Big Brother 16 – Week 6 Photo Booth [PICS]

Big Brother 16 photo booth pics
Big Brother 16 photo booth pics – Source: CBS

The Big Brother Houseguests dragged themselves out of bed to pose in the weekly photo booth event before lumbering back and collapsing from the exhaustion of sleeping all day.

Yep, we’ve got a seriously nocturnal set of Houseguests this season. Either that or they’re vampires afraid to be up when the sun is out.

Check out the BB16 HGs photos and see who makes the best pose this week.

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Source: CBS



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  1. So funny everyone thinks Christine is a rat and then she makes a rat face in the photo-booth.

    • I’m so tired of this “rat” term. If ratting somebody out or being all over the place helps their game than kudos to them they are playing the game. I don’t understand all this Christine hate.

      • For me, the dislike of Christine isn’t just the rat thing, although it plays a part, it is a combination of that and her annoying habits and bad manners. She constantly draws negative attention towards herself. She ridicules other people all the time.

      • I don’t have any problem with her being a rat, I have a problem with her proclaiming to be a superfan, yet afraid to make a big move. She is more like a spineless jellyfish.

      • Why should she make a big move at the moment. Considering the “big move” your talking about is getting rid of Frankie. Why should she? For Christine’s game, Frankie is a bigger target than her. Just because you want Frankie gone doesn’t mean you need to hate on her for deciding to keep Frankie.

      • Considering how “rats” have won the last two season, the term is practically a compliment at this point.

      • Christine isn’t ugly.. and I don’t get why you feel the need to judge somebody’s look. This isn’t a beauty pageant its BB.

      • I’m definitely with you that name calling seems a bit juvenile. And I even agree that Christine is actually positioned quite well in the game right now even if she isn’t on the inside (she’s in a good ”flip position”). Why I personally don’t want her to go too far is because I wanted her to be loyal to Nicole who was nothing but sweet, and accepted her as a person (even bonded with her over their social awkwardness). But once Christine felt accepted by the detonators, she sold out her only friend in the house…. For that reason I’m both sad and disappointed in her and hope she doesn’t go further than top 7.

      • Time for somebody to step up and post their own pic to show how good looking they are… who knows maybe Big Brother would cast you as one of their pieces of eye candy.

    • Anything that doesn’t have Frankie in it!!! I was kinda looking forward to seeing the ones with Caleb and Victoria that the other HGS were talking about where Caleb and Vic were eating an apple. I went to CBS where they show more of the pics and they weren’t even there.

      • Wish Frankie was leaving tonight and would not have to see him put on his fake act about everything.

  2. Christine, there is a reason why Amber said you take ugly pics. Because you actually do….

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