The results are in for the Nomination Ceremony this week on Big Brother 16 and we have the latest spoilers on which four Houseguests are now on the block.
As soon as the HoH competition was over last night we saw the HGs going right to work on setting their nomination plans. No surprises here as the alliance made their moves and set the pieces up just the way they wanted things to go.
Read on for the latest nomination spoilers:
Big Brother 16 Week 4 Nominations:
- Cody nominated Brittany & Victoria
- Frankie nominated Amber & Jocasta
How did this all play out with the latest Team America mission? Details on that here.
Derrick is pushing for Brittany to be the real target while most of the other guys would be satisfied with either her or Jocasta going. Beyond that, if either of their targets gets the Veto then they’ll wave bye-bye to the remaining nominee.
What do you think of the nomination picks for Big Brother 16 this week? We expect the Battle of the Block later today so keep an eye out and share the results soon!
really hope the girls realize they are being picked off and band together.
They won’t. The girls have basically had zero game since they walked in the house.
not Christine….Christine is pretty smart…flying under the radar, and not bad as far as her social game, either.
…most all of the girls, except Christine. She is this season’s Andy. Playing both sides..runs and tells everything to everyone.
Even so, Christine, like Donny, are dull as dishwater. Id hate to see such boring ppl get too far. Even Frankie is getting tiresome.
Boring? Donnie is hilarious and entertaining so is Christine compared to Caleb who just talks/eats/sleeps Amber.
I have to agree with the other Christine naysayers…she may be rl smart but what has she really done in the game? Latched on to a floater and another one of the doomed girls.
The girls are stupid. They could have saved and made deals with Devin and Pao to try to take on Zah/Cody/RDerrick?Frankie etc……but were too stupid. That includes Christine. How in the world is she taking the guy alliance down?! She was too stupid to worry about so-called bully Devin to make a right move for her game. She’s just in the slaughter line right now.
Yep, she will be 1st out of the F5 she just made and that’s If she makes it that far.
I don’t think this group will make it that far. They’ve been lucky with someone winning HOH that’s in the alliance but that will eventually come to an end. A Q&A is a crap shoot that anyone can win and they haven’t had that yet. If Jacosta wins she’ll do what she wants and so will Donny.
Afraid Christine keeps Nicole in line who, otherwise, might actually listen to Donny’s logic he tried to throw down on her last week. Brittany won’t form an alliance against the boys, nor will Amber. I just don’t see any strong female leadership in that aspect. But even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile and a broken clock is right twice a day so who knows? Maybe we’ll see a female HoH in power by sheer luck, who will say the heck with it and put the boyz on notice. All we can hope for at this point.
Exactly. Where are the Janelles, the Helens?
pfffft. Helen?! She was a spineless player. Andy played her like a fiddle.
Helen was a great player only in her own mind, and I guess yours.
At least she played the game, which is more than we are seeing this year from nearly half the house.
Females and leadership rarely happens
ouch… queue the angry emails…
Wait. There have been great women players on BB. Janelle anyone? Let’s not trash women. Sadly, there are many weak players this year. Some are women. For contrast. Christine knows everything that is going on, and is playing an excellent game of laying low while being in the know. Hayden, by contrast, is a dunce at gameplay.
I loved Janelle But I stand by what I said Strong women are the exception and not the rule
I agree with Hoosier..the girls don’t have any game.
It would be great to see Amber sent packing. It would be a great way to save nutty Caleb from himself. And it would save Caleb for a later showdown between the titans–a fitting end to the season.
I’d rather see Caleb go. All he talks about is Amber.
Exactly. If she is gone, Caleb can get his head in the game.
I’m with ya there…
They’re already talking about it. It was so stupid to put 4 girls up. Nothing like showing who you’re working with. Amber even told Caleb about them putting up 4 girls was really stupid.
These girls need to pick up their game and band together! Frankie hasn’t seen the block yet and watch him float right to the end and win just like Andy did last year.
I wish Cristiane was also on the block, or if POV is used she goes up.
If Amber goes Home this week I wont be sad, she is so stupid
Christine is sitting pretty..she is on no ones radar at all.
Not at all. She has no numbers…..she can’t take on the guy’s alliance because she is too meek to gather up loose ends of discard like Devin and Pao to help get numbers. Those two were so desperate, that could have easily been “used” to take out the guy alliance. One or two strong moves of getting out Derrick or a Cody, and she’d be “in” the game. But, too dumb, so she’s just in the slaughter line, just later not sooner. When people are hanging on by a thread, especially early in the game, you can use them to get numbers to make moves.
Don’t you think it might be early? As soon as you take down the king pin you become the next king pin.
From what I’ve read, the guys (in the alliance) love Christine. Looks like she will be the last female standing.
probably, but I’m wondering how long she can play the ‘swing vote’ card to her advantage…
Amber cant go home this week. She won BOTB.
I wouldn’t say that Frankie is floating by though. Considering he has won 2 HoH comp’s and almost won one.
Frankie has won 2 out of 4 HoH’s this season and has had to nominate 4 different people to go on the block, which is the most out of every single houseguest yet this season. This is the opposite of floater behavior.
Not only that, he has made several alliances. This also is not floater behavior.
Exactly! People who don’t know anything about the game just use the word “floater” to describe a player they don’t personally like. Seriously, @mark_dukes:disqus? Frankie won the first HoH of the season. How in the world does that equal floater to you?
I think Frankie has won comps twice now and I don’t recall Andy winning until the very end last season.
Frankie is playing the exact same game as Andy is my point. Swaying to whoever has the power in the house.
None of these girls are threats. This is awful. They are getting picked off one by one. Victoria has played zero game. I forgot she was even on the show. Jacosta has zero game play. This is going to be a boring week unless they backdoor someone. Bleh
I’m suspecting the reason why Cody and Frankie picked as they did is because none of the girls picked for the block are playing. I would like to see a girl win it this year but geez the girls need to start playing harder and better. BotB challenges have been reasonably easy so winning them doesn’t require much skill. I’d like to see Brittany finally get in the game, if she remains on the block win the POV and prove she deserves to be there. imo
As for the other 3 (Amber, Jocasta, Victoria) half the time you wouldn’t even know they were there except for the 3 show days. They are rarely on the live feeds and never do anything game wise to have earned a stay farther than before jury. Nicole is flirting her way but she’s adorable, I really like her. Christine is playing a flawless social, strategic game. I’m rooting for Christine/Hayden or Hayden/Nicole final 2 if Derrick gets taken out of course. He’s my pick to win it all. ;-)
One dynamic that has been talked much is just how telegenic Frankie’s clown act is. The camera just cant stay off of him. And, he mostly lays around cuddling the other boys. So, whoever Frankie is with gets more TV time. I doubt Caleb is more interesting than Jacosta. But, Frankie isnt attracted to Jacosta.
I see your point though with Frankie. He’s all ready skilled at being in front of a camera, it’s easy for him and production to give him all the air time he ‘requires’ simply because he’s a camera whore.
Hopefully, production starts paying attention to blog sites and chat rooms that certain individuals are avoiding the cameras or just not getting camera time and realize we all don’t want to see Frankie so much.
Agreed. The Frankie Show was fun for awhile. Time to give us other dimensions.
You mean there’s a reason why each of these people are cast into the show? Teasing. But yes seriously Frankie is there as a minor celeb with crowd pleasing exposure. Ironically Donny does the same but with absolutely zero experience – I’m hoping Donny takes it all the way!
Derrick is turning into Devin Jr.
In no way is this true.
Just because I don’t feel the same way it’s stupid? Gosh shows what a grown up you are. Are you watching the same show because everyone is talking about how they don’t trust Derrick. The only ones that trust him are the two guys up his ass. He’s a dictator and told Frankie and Cody what to do. He’s made a final 2 with everyone. Yep he’s an awesome guy! Devin Jr needs to go. And if you don’t like my comments then don’t read them.
They’re not stupid because I disagree with them. They’re stupid because they don’t make rational sense. Derrick is NOTHING like Devin. Plain and simple. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean he is playing a bad game.
And just because you like him doesn’t mean he’s playing a good game. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion. And just to show you how rational I am I’m finished commenting on your nonsense remarks! Have a nice life.
He is playing a good game, though?
Oh and by the way you remember my comments from over 3 yrs ago. Shows how stupid you are because I wasn’t on this site then.
Forgive me. You must have been the one saying GinaMarie was the mastermind of Big Brother 15 and defending her use of the n-word.
Wrong. That was you.
So you’re denying that you rooted for GinaMarie to win the season and that you defended the things she said?
Yes. I hated her.
Hmmm. I must have you confused with someone else. My apologies.
omgoodness you can’t even compare the 2. Derrick has his head on straight. He’s playing a great game. Devin was a loose cannon. I don’t think anyone ever knew where his head was at because of his paranoid behaviour.
Derrick May have his head on straight but he is acting like a dictator just like Devin. When Frankie and Cody were talking about who to put up Derrick was telling them no, no, no this is how you have to do it. And guess what they did it Derricks way. He’s making final 2 deals with everyone and is going to get caught. People are already talking about not trusting him. I liked him in the beginning but not anymore. Devin. Jr needs to go!
The only game Brittany has played has been exactly one conversation with Devin. She hung in there and turned him. She CAN play. But, she seems to prefer getting b*tchy with the girls and cleaning the kitchen.
I think she has it in her physically to at least show she has some game in her. But, a winner she will not be. She hasn’t got any of the factors needed to pull it off. She and Nicole are my favourite females in the house and Derrick, Cody and Hayden are my favourite males. But, I think it will be a guy who wins it again this season. They are playing a much better game all around.
I think they want Jo out so badly to hurt Donny because they are tight. I think that is also partly why they want Brittany out, because she also talks to Donny (from what I’ve read). I think they want him alone and without any possible ears to bend and close buddies – get him deflated.
I’m sure after Team America’s missions are finished, Frankie and Derrick will dispense with Donny just that quick. Derrick likes the sound of that coin. So for now, neutralize Harvard Medical.
Why do they have to be so mean to someone as nice as Donny? That’s why I was thrilled when Jordan won a few years back, she was nice. I thought it was funny when Donny told Derrick he didn’t include him anyway in the America’s challenge.
Who would you say is playing the floater strategy? Prob Christine and Frankie in the sense that they are playing all sides?..
Frankie is playing the selective floating game, going to every alliance and floating back and forth, but he’s also winning so he’s a threat, plain and simple. Christine is kind of playing the same strategy, but she doesn’t float back and forth, is just sitting back and paying attention to everyone else’s game moves. Jocasta and Victoria are the real floaters. They haven’t won comps and all the other houseguests are constantly talking about their lack of gametalk. If you do nothing to further yourself in the game and then just hope you’ll stay under the radar, you’re a floater.
If you mean floater strategy and still playing the game floater strategy then absolutely Christine and Frankie are pulling it off best, lol. But, if you mean floater strategy and earning the title by doing absolutely nothing floater strategy then there are too many in the house to name but 2 come to mind that are absolutely 100% floating their way through the game and that’s Victoria and Jocasta, imo. But, like I said, there are a few on their coattails that are pretty close. Brittany, Zach and Nicole and Amber come to mind.
Frankie has won two out of 4 HoH’s, thus forcing him to a total of four people, the most out of anyone in the house. How exactly is that a floater?
At least Britanny and Victoria are together, they will win BOB and both will be safe.
Then Britanny will win POV and save Jocasta.
Hopefully Donny get up on the block and he goes home.
And next week Britanny and Jocasta gotta win HOH
Surprised they put Brittany with Victoria again. They won together before. But guess they thought her teamed with Amber would be too strong and they were afraid that Jocasta does have some gas in the tank. IDK. Either side could win BoB.
Don’t be surprised if Victoria has been told by King Derrick to throw the BotB. She will still be on the block..but, Brittney is the target this week.
I would not (be surprised) one bit. King Derrick does find a way to get his way without ruffling feathers.
I don’t like that these BotB comps are becoming Throwing the BotB. Not fair one bit to the other nom they are playing with. Victoria will take over as the new Pao..put her up each time and she will be more than glad to throw them as long as she knows she is safe and then when Derrick’s court decides they don’t need her anymore..she’s out.
No need to throw this one as they have a target both sides.
the good news is that the people who throw it are also viewed as expendable… I’m waiting for Caleb to go given their displeasure with his weird approach to the game with Amber around.
There is no reason to keep Jocasta or Victoria for that matter. They are both classic floaters.
And as far as Donny, he’s not going anywhere. He’s likeable and he’s winning comps. He’s deserving to be there, at least longer than the majority of the female population in the house.
At least last season, although most of the cast was a train wreck, there were two blindsides with the first two evictions .Jeremy was backdoored. Kaitlin’s eviction was entertaining..I see this cast voting with the house each time until we get down to about seven or eight left. Boring.
I agree. Even if they tried to backdoor Caleb, everyone in the house will be on board. And then they’ll just pick off everyone else. That core 5 will get right to the end. You would hope the Christine, Hayden, Nicole side would try to band together to pick off the stong guys.
Christine is this season’s female version of Andy. She runs and tells everyone everything on both sides.
Eh, she’s really not as bad as Andy. Andy was just a whole other level. If Frankie didn’t win so many comps yet, he’d be THE Andy of bb16.
I guess.
Yep, I’m hoping the odd squad comes together with Donny & Jocasta. Definitely the ”nice” side of the house.
STOP. You people complained incessantly about last season being the worst season of Big Brother ever. You will not manipulate scenarios where this season, almost universally hailed as one of the best starts to a season ever, is worse than last season. Your credibility is waning. If you keep conveniently misremembering last season as being better than you say it was just to b**** about this better season, I will certainly be kind enough to remind you what you originally said about last season.
Woah easy there my friend. I didn’t really see anyone saying this season is worse than last. And worse really is contextual to the person making the comment as well as what people look for each season. For example. I liked some of the people more last season because I felt like there were less actors & models – but overall I do enjoy this season more because Nicole & Donny are so super nice and still in the game! Ultimately I’d like to see a mix of scoundrels (Frankie & Derrick) be in the finals against the ”nice” people (Donny & Nicole).
I’m just calling out people like Hoosier who complain incessantly over and over again about how awful last season was and then try to hyberbolize their way into trash talking this season when they of course don’t really mean it. All of the sudden they start sticking up for last season and misremember how much they despised it. For people like them the grass is always greener on the other side and they will misremember anything they want in an attempt to prove their point. Their credibility is absolutely shot because of it.
Yes but that’s an unfortunate part of human nature for most people… Last season I remember I was going bonkers because I really didn’t like Elyssa from the get-go and neither did anyone else. But once the racists & Amanda were outed for who they were all of a sudden people were praising Elyssa for being a good person which I thought was super annoying because of it relativity. I’d argue that she’s the SAME person she was at the beginning but people couldn’t see beyond the relativity of her compared to others and insisted she was a ”good” person to cheer for… Now consider how society works. Today we openly accept most people (or at least the majority strives to accept most people). But 40yrs ago we considered it wrong to be gay, or divorced, or from an ethnic minority… Today the Simpsons are considered “family” entertainment. When they came out in 1989 (barely 25yrs ago) people literally went bonkers because that ”trash” was allowed on the tv… Relativity is sadly in our nature. So my means of coping whenever possible….relax….if Hoosier is making a statement that is true to how they feel NOW, then let them, it’s not really going to harm anyone. :)
Basing my response to the Elissa part, thank you, dear god thank you. I finally found someone who thinks about her the way I do. She walked into that house thinking she was “all that” better than anyone else. You could see how she looked at people she perceived herself as better. She was vocal, she was rude, ignorant, bitchy and really only talked with 2 people, one of which turned on her in the end, lol. All of a sudden the master bitch of them all gave her a rough few days and suddenly queen Elissa emerged as the victim. Palease. She still on her Twitter feed chooses to only concern herself with 3 people from her season. Now, if we had to choose from that season there were only 2 people I would have rooted for and that was Helen and Jessie… yes Jessie, lol. On a constant basis I felt bad for Jessie. She was consistently bullied by the houseguests. I didn’t bond with anyone last season because once the crap started it was hard to get into it. That house became one big bully session on a nightly basis with rat Randy, pig GinaMarie and the ‘power couple’ (NOT) McCranda and their DNA in every room. And Judd, wtf is the attraction to Judd? Didn’t see it, sorry. And now, it’s like they don’t go away. Twitter feed, Facebook feed, Big Brother web sites with blogs from BB15 people, it’s unreal. Enough all ready.
well I’m not so sure about that… this cast seems to vote together, but they definitely don’t ”think together”… there’s always some hope that leaves me thinking maybe (just maaaaybe) Donny, the odd squad & Jocasta might pull something together…
I think of the nominees, Brittney and Amber are the stronger competitors. I think either of them are lethal in different ways. Brittney is going for an HOH win, and Amber is playing a good social game with the males and has already won HOH. Jocasta and Victoria are super floaters right now.
I understand Derrick wanting Brittany out first – strategically. Cody is confident he can reel in Amber the rest of the way and she’ll be a vote for them til they dispose of her, too. I think they want Jocasta out more than Victoria because she is tight with Donny. Maybe they want him “alone” – no Jocasta and no Brittany.
I think people had better watch the Cody/Amber connection… If they keep getting closer their two votes could become one and together they’d decide to lead a charge against the beloved alliance. ;)
Would love to see Brittney and Amber ally together. Don’t think it’s going to happen, but they’d make a dynamic, powerful female duo, which BB has yet to see.
As for Jocasta and Victoria, well, dead weight. Hope to see one of them exit next week over the other two.
So these are the nominees recommended by TA as physical threat? lol Excluding the guys, on paper, these girls are crappy…..unless they backdoor a stronger player, the mission is a bust.
The entire twist is a bust.
If they backdoor Donny, then they did indeed get out an unlikely, yet proven physical threat.
I still believe Derrick will protect Donny as much as he could because of TA…..we’ll see when that comes.
That’s a good point. A lot of his allies want him gone as soon as possible, so we’ll see what happens. Also, they talked about putting up Amber as a renom and they feel she would qualify as a physical threat.
From the feeds, Derrick seemed to be mindful on how he’s being perceived by the viewers. Obviously, he’s aware of Donny’s fan base.
Nope, they are both too respected… and justifiably so. There are floaters in the game that need to go, there are crappy players in the game that need to go. Derrick, Donny, Christine, Frankie – all 4 are playing an amazing social game whether you like it or not. Not all in that list are my favs but I respect how they are playing. Amazing season so far. All the houseguests are a perfect fit with each other, so to speak. You might have your hard nosed, you might have your opinionated, you might have your loud or quiet ones but they all mesh together quite well.
Frankie is in more of a precarious position than most people think. Though he has Zach on his side, Cody and Derrick don’t trust him that much (and will try to bring Zach over) and Christine, Nicole, Amber, Caleb and Brittany are starting to question how much they really trust him.
On another note, I really hope the people who are at the “bottom of the totem pole”/fringes (aka Caleb, Amber; Nicole, Hayden) in this massive bomb squad remnants alliance start realizing the “core” (Derrick, Cody, Christine) are going to cruise right to the end.
Doesn’t everybody realize it’s too late for the girls? 1 will be gone this week. Even if 2 girls win HOH next week and put up 4 guys they only get rid of 1. Then guaranteed 1 of them gone the next week and they are down to 4. They should have gotten Joey aside and started one. Too little too late as they say. Christine or Nichole will be the last girls standing. Leaning toward Nichole.
True, the girls are at a disadvantage – but I think Christine and/or Nicole may be in the final 4, and from there you never know. It may be the season a girl beats a guy on finale night.
At this point there will be max 3 girls on jury if 1 makes it to F2. I think the guys with maybe the exception of Hayden and Donny will vote for a guy and that would depend on the girl.
Yes it depends on what bridges were burned by the guys in getting there also. Christine and Nicole seem likable to the jury so they could have a chance.
There could be more. There’s still 6 girls left and they said if Brittany wins POV they would back door Donny and vote him out. Then it would be an equal amount of guys and girls. Just need 2 girls to get HOH. And I don’t think this double HOH will go on much longer.
oh I hope there’s no backdoor on Donny. What a sad way to get him out…
I know. I like Donny. Last night was funny when Jeff was at his families house.
Yes that was hilarious – I watched it a couple times through. Although I’m sure it was edited like crazy, the way it came across was comedic genius!
Why Donny though? I don’t get that logic. Because he’s loveable? or because he’s proving to be a “beast” in some comps? If they can’t get out Amber, Jocasta because of safety, then Victoria for sure but they need to stop and think who is getting close to Amber. Cody and in his own mind Caleb. I love Cody, he’s fantastic eye candy but I hate power couples more. Too dangerous to keep them together. The house never learns. But, I would like to see Donny stay a bit longer, send Victoria home or one of Amber’s suitors.
They were talking about Donny because they don’t trust him and think Brittany, Jocasta and Donny are working together. I agree I love Donny and want him to stay. I think because he’s in the TA alliance Derrick will try to protect him. I want Caleb and Amber gone.
I see the guy’s alliance completely collapsing on itself while Nicole, Christine, and maybe one other girl sit and watch while the guys take each other out.
no they shouldn’t have nominated jocasta Donny saved her from the block and now he puts her up wow something went wrong there
He didn’t put her up. Frankie did,
What a lazy move by both Cody and Frankie! Well this will b a yawner week.
Even though we all might hate this move. For Frankie and Cody’s part its a good move for them since they can’t nominate somebody from their alliance. However what is annoying is that the outsiders are not being smart enough to do anything.
Right on
The game is in a rut now but as time goes by I think the fireworks will fly