Friday brought a little Big Brother drama as the house majority alliance decided it might be time to mix things up by using its own members, but will that backfire?
By the end of the day the nominations were set and the HGs were preparing for the Veto competition. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.
Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 29, 2014:
11:40 AM BBT – HGs are finally waking up after a long, exhausting competition.
11:45 AM BBT – Caleb, Cody, and Derrick in the backyard discussing what Caleb needs to say to Christine about going up.
12:50 PM BBT – Have-Not food revealed. Snot Roast. Caleb has to pick two HGs. Derrick immediately volunteers since he brought on the “Holla” plague. Caleb takes forever but finally picks Nicole after previously telling Nicole he would not do that to her.
12:55 PM BBT – Nicole is outside crying by herself. She’s very upset but says she knows she’ll be okay.
1:20 PM BBT – After talking with Christine Nicole is saying she’s mad at Frankie who has only been a HN once. Nicole fully expects to go up now.
2:05 PM BBT – Frankie talking with Derrick and says he (Frankie) will punch Nicole in the face if she complains to him.
2:15 PM BBT – Caleb trying to decide what to tell Christine about going up. The guys decide to say they’ll use the Veto on her and renom Victoria.
2:45 PM BBT – Caleb again reaffirms his plans to put up Christine with Nicole and use Victoria as the renom if it comes to that.
4:30 PM BBT – Feeds have returned and the Nomination Ceremony is complete. Nicole and Christine were nominated.
5:00 PM BBT – Christine talking to herself. Displeased with the “Bomb Squad” and wants to go after someone from the group instead of Victoria next week.
5:30 PM BBT – Nicole and Victoria talking in the Have-Not room. Nicole thinks Christine is the pawn. Nicole is upset with Frankie. She says she’ll pick Victoria as HG’s choice if she gets it.
6:00 PM BBT – Victoria says she’s not revealing as much info to Derrick as she used to. She goes on to say she still has his back though.
7:00 PM BBT – Derrick talking with Christine and encouraging her to focus on the Veto comp. She thinks she’d pick Cody instead of Frankie if she gets HG’s Choice.
9:00 PM BBT – Cody and Caleb are studying game details. Caleb worries about what they’ll do when it gets down to the four guys left.
9:25 PM BBT – Christine tells the guys she’s concerned that Victoria and Nicole won’t make eye contact with her.
9:55 PM BBT – Derrick is talking to the camera. Says he’s working hard and has himself in a strong position in the game. Derrick says he couldn’t save Donny because of how it would have pitted him against Cody and jeopardized his game.
10:05 PM BBT – Booze delivery plus toys. They got Play-Doh and face paint along with wine.
10:25 PM BBT – Derrick and Caleb talking game. Caleb says he’d keep Derrick over Frankie because he hasn’t wronged him. Derrick promises Caleb he’d also keep him over Frankie if they were on the block together.
11:00 PM BBT – The guys are anxious to divide Nicole and Christine so they don’t resume working together.
11:30 PM BBT – Christine was called to DR to show off her facepaint so the guys are just talking about random things.
12:00 AM BBT – Caleb suggests Frankie might throw the Veto comp. Frankie points out he’s not Caleb and wouldn’t do that.
12:45 AM BBT – Frankie talking about how he wishes he were famous like his sister. He wants to either record an album or get his own TV show.
1:45 AM BBT – Derrick is encouraging Nicole as they get ready for sleep in Have-Not room. They’re having some bonding time. Derrick could be doing his Jury Management that few other HGs have bothered to do this season.
2:30 AM BBT – HGs are sleeping and resting up for Saturday’s Veto comp.
Nicole is in the same spot that Donny held last week. It’s do or die in the Veto competition. Well maybe not if she can turn the guys on Christine, but let’s take things one step at a time.
Veto comp is coming up on Saturday and once we know who wins that power then we’ll be able to start planning out the rest of the week.
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I would have made Frankie a HN. First, because he’s only done it once. Second, he would of had to sleep in the HN room. Frankie continuing to sleep in the HOH room is sickening. I hope that once Caleb realizes that Frankie is going to stay in the HOH bed, that he regrets not making him an HN.
I hope Frankie tries to hit Nicole (and misses.) That should get him expelled from the house.
As far as Frankie wanting a TV show, what a joke! If any network offers him a show or even a part on the show, I’m going to start a social media/email campaign to boycott that entire network.
Frankie remains “Queen of the Vile.”
Just remember that Caleb is now his Beast Mode Gay Cowboy, now that Zach is gone … plus, Frankie still has his carrot of promising to introduce his Sister to him and the opportunity for a duet in her next video/show, and even $25k in lieu of AFP should he lose it to Donny….
Yeah, I know. I’m just wishing. :)
I hope Caleb is not believing all of that. All Frankie can do is introduce his sister to Caleb. He can’t promise a duet, please. Frankie has no pull like that and can Caleb even sing? Beast Mode Ninja Singing Cowboy…. and promise of the money, I would love to see him follow through on that…. “a promise is comfort to a fool”. I would take everything Frankie says with a grain of salt.
This is Caleb, after all … probably still hoping his Queen Amber will be greeting him with open arms at the Reunion Show/Party and then they will both …. Ha!!!
eta: Have to admit that Caleb has been smiling alot in recent weeks when Frankie has been fondling all over him … not that there is anything wrong with that, if one is into that ….
Hey, never know. He did have Zach smiling a lot and Zach mentioned plenty of times that he was straight.
I am waiting for the finale, Caleb is going to be crushed when he finds out Amber despises him (and she shows up with bodyguards). Frankie will probably bawl If he is not America’s favorite, Cody may go off on the audience when he finds out we think he was Derrick’s puppet, Christine probably run off the stage when someone throws holy water on her…. :-)
nooo Christines Pastors wife will be waiting in the wings to beat Christine to a pulp Remember the remark Christine made about the pastors wife shaving her privates….Well I am sure the woman has heard about it and is totally in hiding being sooo embarrassed
lool GeorgiaSmilez if all that happened in the same night like you wrote I’ll say finally this made up for such a boring ass summer. On the finale though Production usually warns them if they’re gonna expect media to jump at them just like last year, I just hope the right audience members show up to shake up the house and give us viewers the finale we all expect to watch. Watch for Production to try and replace some audience members if they try and speak their mind but I hope the ones that remain stand up also and not let Production try and shut them up, what’s the Freedom of Speech law for if your not allowed to stand for it.
How can he promise him money isn’t it against the rules. Wait I forgot Frankie gets special treatment from production because of his sister
Caleb is now ” Bustup Mode Cowboy ” after the last comp!
” Broke Down Mountain Gay Cowboy ” !!
He is lost in his future fame and living in dreamland..
Both him and Fakie & Ratina and all the rest of those in the ” Bully Squad ” should grow up and when this season is over ( and their dreams of fame vanish as well )
They will find out in “Real Reality ” how they look to everyone as twisted souls that only Satan would admire..
Oh CBS…?
Why do you endorse verbal threats on your program..??
They are equal to physical threats and should be dealt with immediately!!
Warnings to stop those who talk about violence on other houseguests..
Followed by penalties or evictions.
Come on CBS…
I could have said it better. Thank you for telling it like it is.
LOL to your post! I think there’s quite a few of us who will join you to start a social media campaign to boycott the Frankie Show since he is nothing but selfish in every respect. Not wanting to be a HN and Caleb adhering to his wishes, is sickening. I have a lot of gay friends but none that I know of who behave so flamboyantly and disgusting as he does, If Frankie is putting on a show for TV, he is doing a terrible job. I am sure the limited popularity Frankie had has now diminished since he entered the BB house. He will have to continue being in the shadow of his sister when the show is over.
You’re assuming that Ariana’s PR will let him anywhere near her outside the privacy of the family home. lol
and what is the point of telling the world you have a lot of gay friends? you want praise for your generosity, honey? how lucky your gay friends must feel. do you have any straight friends who are flamboyant?
Michael, I am not making any big announcements to the world. All I am saying is that Frankie overdoes it and it isn’t necessary. It’s overkill! That’s all.
Frankie Is sickening! Aren’t they tired of him yet? Ugh! If BB is his audition for his own show, he is doing a terrible job. Even lil’ ole Donny from small town, NC is getting guest appearance on a show before any network entertains Frankie’s wishes.
I don’t get the threatening violence towards another player, especially one in a vulnerable position. They are so mean, kick a wo/man when s/he’s down. I hope after the show all the folks that Cody was going to off on, goes off on him and Nicole and Zach… okay, no violence but I hope they tell him he sucks and will never be a star.
IMO, Frankie has major issues. He seems he wants to everybody else for his problems except him. Frankie says he wish he was famous like his sister. Why doesn’t his sister make him famous? Or better yet, why doesn’t Frankie make himself better? Frankie, start out has a good guy but became a evil person and started blaming everybody else.
Seems to me that Frankie was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and expects to have everything handed to him on a silver platter. And of course, he can do no wrong.
People like that make me sick.
I can’t agree with you more. You want to better yourself you do it.
Unfortunately this is what happens sometimes when parents spoil their children and over-nourish their little ego’s.
I think Frankie started out acting and when he revealed his sister was Arianna, he became more of himself. Of course when he is out of the house, he will blame his behavior on being in the house, “you know being in that house can make you crazy. I am really not like that in the real world.” Derrick has been in the house just as long and hasn’t been vile and disgusting (liar, yes but that’s the game and his occupation), Nicole is just as sweet, Victoria just as ditsy so…..
Maybe, just maybe that is the reason he is no longer on Broadway. He more than likely was just the same there as he is here and those show producer’s said enough is enough and let him go. Now they don’t even want to talk to him because of his actions. Just my thought’s on it.
Yeah, if he acted like an entitled brat on a Broadway set the way he acts like it in the house, I think you’d be absolutely right.
Frankie already talked about once moving to LA to try and make it big in Hollywood but since nobody could appreciate his great talent he returned to New York.
He’s only had one role in a Broadway play and is apparently still looking for his big break. He would never had been cast on BB if not for his sister. It’s time for Frankie to grow up and face reality.
Wasn’t he a back up dancer, no important roles
I looked it up. It’s been 4 years since he was a backup dancer on Mamma Mia. The show is still going. He’s also produced several shows on and off Broadway, so he’s got money. Funny how he never mentions that he’s a producer.
It wasn’t mentioned here, but when Christine and Cody were in the ER lying in bed talking last night, Christine mentioned wanting to pay for Tim to go to Nashville to record saying he has the voice of an angel. Anyone that would like to hear him singing can catch a few videos on You Tube… Timothy Brecht… Also, while there, you may find interesting a video of Christine, being baptized by Tim and her testimony, I guess you would call it, beforehand…Christine Brecht Baptism. This may be old news, but if not just something to check out.
you can also find some you tube videos of Tim under the name Spider Cider. I could have sworn I saw Tim on one of Frankie’s old you tube vines…
“Frankie talking about how he wishes he were famous like his sister”
And therein lies the reason he will never be famous. The biggest celebrities in our culture wind up that way because they follow what they love (singing, acting, athletics, etc) and sacrifice to be damn good at it. People become famous by talent, not attention seeking.
Oh, the irony, Frankie has definitely made an impact in BB History … Ha!!!
“Frankie talking with Derrick and says he (Frankie) will punch Nicole in the face if she complains to him.” Frankie thought America wasn’t ready for a man in drag. You are dead wrong, Frankie. America is not ready for a man, albeit a sniveling little weasel of a man, who threatens violence against a woman. This douchey little creep can’t leave soon enough for me.
Well both Zach and Cody, if I recall, had made those same comments against Victoria, earlier in the game …
Wonder if Derrick is working under cover in the House, in a sting operation? Ha!!!
I didn’t like it then either. I do think that in any given situation, Zach and Cody would say the same thing about one the guys in the house. I doubt Frankie would dare say something like that towards Derrick or Caleb, for example. Frankie, like Christine, is just a nasty bully.
Interesting that Derrick has usually been the one that they have suggested it to, and if I recall, he was the one who talked Zach down, tonhow inappropriate it was, and Zach subsequently commented that he was joking, blah, blah, blah …
Caleb, on the other hand has on several occasions have said, in particular to Amber, that she (women) needs to be put in theit plac(s) …
Zach did say he wanted to punch Victoria. Yet nobody made that an issue. But since Frankie says the same thing everyone wants to riot.
Was the intent the same? I think not.
In your opinion the intent isn’t the same because your being biased.
Interesting Joey, and in what way am I being ‘biased’??
I may be wrong, but Frankie would do it if Nicole (justifiably) complained to him. It just further shows how much of an arrogant person Frankie is, which is why people are really upset. Am I upset that he threaten her? Yeah its wrong but then again we are not in the house and I am sure that house drives people to say things they don’t mean. I am even more upset that he feels that he deserves to stay in the HOH room or that he feels Nicole is a better person to be a have not then him. Derrick volunteering (although a strategy to get people not made at him for the hollas) shows that he is a respectful person.
Zach was loud and said things for sure but he did so without malice,beneath his bravado is a decent guy,can’t say the same about Fakie!
Good excuse for Zach..
Ummm I believe people were all over Zach for that comment.
Nope… If you go on twitter. When Zach said that comment, I read “ohh he didn’t mean it”. “Oh he is just kidding”. “Oh he is so cute”. So idk what you mean by that. But people didn’t seem to have a problem.
I was talking about here. I don’t go on twitter so I wouldn’t know.
lol I wrote a script yest with Derrick in a undercover sting operation, funny you mentioned it now, like minds think a like.
Frankie has the look and attitude to be a television personality in the Hunger Games universe. So if we ever have an apocalyptic civil war, I think he could become a huge star.
I hope Frankie gets his own show so it can be the worst rated program in the history of television, network affiliates already pre-empt BB for football, probably because people are sick of him. As far as this season goes, the preacher sitting alone reading his bible on the Utopia feed is about as entertaining as this group in the BB house
They preempt BB for football in my area every year. There’s always a couple of shows that don’t come on until 1:30-2 AM. It is so frustrating.
I can relate
There you go Frankie wants to be famous like his sister, Frankie you shouldn’t have joined big brother, you just ruined your chances.
Could be that the DE will come back to bite Cody if Frankie gets an HOH.. He had his chance but listened to Derrick…
If I were playing and got HOH I certainly at this stage in the game would not waste it getting Victoria out…
I think that Frankie is using this show to get fame, and it is working. But I hope that he is getting negative feelings from the whole world. He is a fake. No one will see that money he wins there. He plans on keeping it, it just sounds sweet and kind to say he is going to build schools in Africa. We need school here in the United States. For our children, for our country. So, America , let’s stick together and run this guy out of town!
Big difference between famous and infamous. IMO, Frankie is becoming infamous.
I saw from some commenters on here yesterday that Frankie is building dance schools. He always conveniently leaves that part out when he tells people about it. To me there’s a big difference between a dance school and a school for education.
Hopefully Frankie’s charitable work will help make him a nicer person in real life.
I can not wait to see Donny on the Bold and the Beautiful . He will make a good actor. But if he wants his job back, I hope they give it to him.
I think Bold and Beautiful should make him the head groundskeeper on one of their mansions.The script should say he is the best in America.(Take that Frankie)
Or Donny could arrive as one of the character’s long lost country cousin. It would be a hoot to watch.
Wonder if Frankenstein will watch
It’s going to absolutely kill Caleb and Fakie to hear that Donny was offered this gig. Those two self centered pompous jerks think the world loves them. In for a rude awakening.
Frankie has 23 blog pages /sites on FB… The idiot is sooo into himself
Hes nobody begging to be somebody
He is pathetic…
A sad, miserable man-child.
If Derrick takes Nicole to f2. That is if Vic gets voted out, I would be happy if Nic got final 2 and Derrick #1 ( u know he would win)
Hopefully it will be a bitter jury and he won’t.
Yeah, except he knows he can’t afford to take Nicole. She has too many friends in the jury.
Wouldn’t it be nice at the end of this season a blog is started that starts off by saying. Dear Frankie: this is our thoughts of you on BB16. Then every poster post 1 say 5 word answer. It would only be about him. Then he could read why everyone loved Donny and not him
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that Frankie just told a police officer that he would assault a woman (he obviously won’t – Nicole could take him…lol)
Got that right!!..Fakie could not fight his way out of wet paper bag and it is my grandest wish that Zach strangles him at the show’s wrap party…just kidding(i think?)
Only bad thing is unless the HG that went home Amber, Britt, Devin,palo, and Joey get to Zach, he is not going to know till he gets home. I am hoping that Zach and Donny comes back for a evil vrs nice season. Maybe that is why they didn’t try to keep them.
Dear Frankie, Yesterday morning (8/29) I called you an ‘Arianna Grande wanna-be’. Thank you for proving me right! Kisses, Sharona
Fakie is going down as most hated HG in BB history. Absolutely pathetic…