One evicted Big Brother 16 Houseguest will return from the Jury next week and re-enter the game for another shot at the half-million dollar prize in the latest Big Brother twist.
Julie Chen had been teasing viewers and the HGs with the news that just because they’re out of the house doesn’t meant they’re out of the game. Now we know when that chance will happen after we received just a bit more information last night.
Closing out the show, Julie ran through a series of upcoming events and addressed this twist:
“We give the first four Jurors a chance to return to the game. Either Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, or the Houseguest evicted next week… It all happens live, next Thursday.”
Just like last season, four HGs from the Jury will be up for the chance to return to Big Brother 16. I’d expect there to finally, finally be an endurance competition to settle the decision on who comes back. We haven’t had any all season long aside from the season opener and it’s about time!
So who will join the first three Jurors? Donny is the current top target for the week so if he’s in an endurance against Nicole or Hayden that could be tough for him. Anything is possible, but I’m not sure Jocasta could out-compete those two either.
Last season Judd survived two weeks before getting the boot and I imagine whoever comes back will face a difficult situation as well. The guys alliance dominates the house and unless there’s a major fracture in their loyalty the returning HG is likely to enter through a revolving door.
Who do you want to see back in the game with this twist? Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, or the next evicted HG? Vote in our poll below and share your thoughts!
I figured that donny is next out. so i voted for “him”. last year did only two get to enter the game and play alongside the hamsters? did they have an off camera contest to pick those two? i can’t remember
4 jury members competed.Judd got to come
back into the game.
We watched the event live.
Judd? Who is Judd? The jury members are Jocasta, Hayden and Nicole.
Leesta was talking about last season when Judd came back into the game.
Ariana grande fan?
No, he is the other brother from another mother.
thanks for having a memory lol. mine left a couple of yrs ago.
So you guys are saying that if it was a public vote, you’d vote in Nicole? Even after she said that she’s going after Christine while Hayden wants to go after Derrick and Cody?
Donny or Zach will most likely leave this week and I love these two, so I’d choose either of them, of course. But Hayden definitely out of the three. If they’ve been separately sequestered, Nicole probably won’t do anything different honestly.
I chose Nicole because,
a. She is a proven HOH winner and
b. She has shown that she has the guts to put up big moves.
I picked Hayden because as much as I love Donny he will not be able to physically compete against the younger guys. Hayden is smart and remembers all the comp stuff.
Got interrupted so here goes. Hayden is also more physically fit than Donny and Nicole. However saying that I think Donny will once again survive the block (talking to the BB Gods here) so between Nicole and Hayden I really don’t care. I believe that they will have more endurance comps now that most of the girls are gone. Frankie is as physical as the rest. I think they have been holding back because of the gals and Donny.
I hope it’s a competition and not a vote. America seems to want Nicole but she’s STILL clueless about what’s going on. She had an interview with Jeff and said she wants Christine to go and she loves and wants Derrick to win. She has learned absolutely nothing, shes such a dumbass, ugh! Hopefully Hayden comes back or if Frankie gets backdoored, he comes back for blood for Derrick.
Yes but Hayden can fill her in when she enters the jury house that Derrick and Cody are the real targets. AND she told Julie she would definitely be less trusting
I would assume they are sequestered separately until the player that’s chosen re-enters the house.
Aren’t they in the jury house, rather than being sequestered? (I can’t remember what they did last season about jury house vs. sequestering.)
Well, they are all sequestered in the Jury House. Meaning no contact with the outside world.
Last season the first three jurors got to live together before congrats back in. They were not sequestered individually.
You’re right, Ian/BB14 said they co-mingled last year and were able to come back.
Having a house guest return is so ridiculous. “Hey let’s give someone who’s already been evicted another chance at winning 500k.” And all the hard work it took to get that person out is now in vain. I hope it’s not an endurance competition because I really think Hayden will win his way back in the house and could possibly even win. That would be awful.
Why would it be so awful for Hayden to win?
Because anyone who is evicted does not deserve a second chance.
Unless they win all the veto comps until the end, I really doubt the returning HG would ever make F2. And considering the fact that most of the jury will be Detonator/Bomb Squad people, I think they will all vote for whichever one of their own makes F2. Hayden will be lucky to survive a week and I think he’d only win against Victoria – maybe Christine – to be honest.
I like the return because by that time somethings are almost written in stone and at least it gives the possibility of a stir. Right now that would be a plus in my opinion.
I’d like to say none, because bringing people back is an absurdly stupid concept that never makes sense.
Agree–that option should have been included in the vote.
Question for those that wish there was no returning player… How did you feel about the Redemption Island season of Survivor?
Do not like it either.
As long as Donny is not the next one evicted, I want Nicole to come back.
Doesn’t matter who comes back. It’s too late after Donnie leaves this week. Dull year.
Donny won BotB..he is safe this week!
I feel like Nicole might get the revolving door treatment.. While I think Hayden could probably hold his own in comps. Nicole can hold her own too but I feel like she is too trusting.
First thought: Hayden should come back. Second thought: can he win comps? Maybe Nicole would be better.
Please let Nicole win the endurance! If Victoria get’s backoored this week AND Hayden comes back… there’ll be 7 GUYS and 1 GIRL! That’s toooooo many guys in one house! against Christine!
A twist would be if 2 Juror got put back in the house!