Big Brother 15 CBS

Big Brother 15 Spoilers status board:

BB15 Winner:


GinaMarie Zimmerman

Big Brother 15 Finale:
Winner: Andy
Runner-Up: GinaMarie
America’s Fav: Elissa

Big Brother 15 Week 12:
HoH Round 1: GinaMarie
HoH Round 2: Andy
HoH Round 3: Andy
Evicted: Spencer

Big Brother 15 Week 11.5:
Head of Household: Andy
Nominated: McCrae & Spencer
Power of Veto: Andy
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: McCrae

Big Brother 15 Week 11:
Head of Household: Spencer
Nominated: GinaMarie & McCrae
Power of Veto: McCrae
Replacement nominee: McCrae saved & Judd renom’d
Evicted: Judd

Big Brother 15 Week 10.5:
Head of Household: McCrae
Nominated: Elissa & GinaMarie
Power of Veto: Judd
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Elissa

Big Brother 15 Week 10:
Head of Household: GinaMarie
Luxury competition: Spencer won $10K
Nominated: Amanda & McCrae
Power of Veto: McCrae
Replacement nominee: Spencer
Evicted: Amanda

Big Brother 15 Week 9:
Returning HG: Judd
Head of Household: Elissa
Nominated: Aaryn & McCrae
Power of Veto: Amanda
Replacement nominee: McCrae saved & Andy renom’d
Evicted: Aaryn

Big Brother 15 Week 8:
Head of Household: Aaryn
Have-Nots: Amanda, Elissa, GinaMarie, & Helen
Nominated: Elissa & Helen
Power of Veto: Elissa
Replacement nominee: Elissa saved & Spencer renom’d
Evicted: Helen

Big Brother 15 Week 7:
Head of Household: Andy
Have-Nots: Aaryn, GinaMarie, Helen, & Elissa
Nominated: Jessie & Spencer
Power of Veto: Andy
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Jessie

Big Brother 15 Week 6.5:
Head of Household: Aaryn
Nominated: Jessie & Spencer
MVP: The MVP twist is over.
Power of Veto: Aaryn
Replacement nominee: Jessie saved & Judd renom’d
Evicted: Judd

Big Brother 15 Week 6:
Head of Household: GinaMarie
Have-Nots: No Have-Nots this week
Nominated: Candice & Jessie and Amanda
MVP: America
Power of Veto: Jessie
Replacement nominee: Jessie saved & Spencer renom’d
Evicted: Candice

Big Brother 15 Week 5:
Head of Household: Aaryn
Have-Nots: GinaMarie, Amanda, Judd, & Candice
Nominated: Howard & Spencer and Amanda
MVP: America
Power of Veto: Spencer
Replacement nominee: Spencer saved, Candice renom’d
Evicted: Howard

Big Brother 15 Week 4:
Head of Household: Judd
Have-Nots: Andy, Spencer, Candice, & Jessie
Nominated: Aaryn & Kaitlin and Elissa
MVP: America
Power of Veto: Elissa
Replacement nominee: Elissa saved, GM renom’d
Evicted: Kaitlin

Big Brother 15 Week 3:
Head of Household: Helen
Have-Nots: McCrae, Amanda, Judd, & Jessie
Nominated: Aaryn & Kaitlin and Spencer
MVP: Elissa
Power of Veto: Kaitlin
Replacement nominee: Kaitlin saved, Jeremy renom’d
Evicted: Jeremy

Big Brother 15 Week 2:
Head of Household: Aaryn
Have-Nots: Candice, Andy, Elissa, & Helen
Nominated: Elissa, Helen, & Jeremy
MVP: Elissa
Power of Veto: Jeremy
Replacement nominee: Jeremy saved, Nick renom’d by MVP
Evicted: Nick

Big Brother 15 Week 1:
Head of Household: McCrae
Have-Nots: Helen, Andy, Elissa, Judd, & Howard
Nominated: Candice, Jessie, & David
MVP: Elissa
Power of Veto: McCrae
Replacement nominee: Candice saved, Elissa renom’d
Evicted: David

Big Brother 15 starts on CBS this summer with an early premiere on June 26, 2013. The season has already been billed as “bigger than ever” as CBS is reported to be seeking all new HouseGuests to fill the house for the extended season.

Perennial host Julie Chen is back in the game as the host and face of CBS’ series now in its fifteenth installment as ratings continue to dominate the competition. Other big changes this season include the shift of the Big Brother Live Feeds from RealNetworks over to CBS’ direct control plus a switch in when the episodes air.

After several seasons on a Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday routine you’ll be watching Big Brother 15 on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. We’re sorry it won’t be a Su/Tu/Th line up like we enjoyed back in the day, but with so much “new” this season we’ll take it.

To keep you up to date on the latest spoilers in the game we’ll be posting the current status of the game right here. Check back often for new results and links to Big Brother spoiler details on the season.

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