Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother Power of Veto

The latest Big Brother 15 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results for you. After this morning’s shocking reveal of the MVP nomination thanks to America’s votes (and Judd’s nomination picks) we were anxious to find out if that would all be undone with a renom or if we’d see the same three faces on Thursday night.

Be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter for mini-updates through the day.

Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results:

Power of Veto competition

  • Elissa won the Power of Veto

Since Elissa was America’s MVP nom she will be replaced by the next down the list. That should be exciting to see what happens.

Playing in today’s comp were Aaryn & Kaitlin as HoH’s noms, Judd as HoH, and Elissa as the MVP nom. Also playing were Helen & McCrae who were either picked or drawn from the box. Andy hosted the competition.

Big Brother Live Feeds

Here are the punishments & rewards according to what we’re hearing on the Feeds. During the competition Judd earned a punishment of solitary confinement. McCrae won $5,000. Elissa can’t play in next week’s Veto comp.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? Should it be used at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be held on Monday afternoon. We’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Jump on the live feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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  1. We’ll have to wait until wednesday to find out how that happen. Karma is a bitch.

    • Hopefully, it is Gina Marie as she has not been on the block yet! It would be nice to see Aaryn, Gina Marie and Kaitlyn on the block campaigning against each other! If that happens, it becomes more likely Aaryn or Gina Marie goes home! Karma would have hit again!

      • Gina is a really weak player. For Week 5 it would make much more sense to evict Howard or Sweaty Spencer.

      • Spencer has not won anything either! Kaitlyn has won POV and nearly won HOH twice so, is the bigger threat. However, my preference is to get rid of Aaryn because that means she earns less because her allowance from being in the Big Brother House ends. That would a a nice punishment for her to be evicted! Those in the Big Brother House will continue to get their allowances which is why Gina Marie, Kaitlyn and Spencer need to go too! After Aaryn this week if it happens!

      • there comes a time (around week 5) that you stop evicting power players, and start evicting campers that people are tired of living with.

  2. Well now we wait again until Monday to find out who will take Elissa’s place.

    Matthew – article says backdoor Jeremy.

      • agreed, though i dont think he was going to do it anyway as he seems to of realised its not good for him if all the guys are eliminated one by one.

      • McCrae being nommed would definitely cause a disturbance but I don’t see America voting for him.

      • Would love to see Amanda go home since she thinks her and McCrab are the King and Queen of the house. The look on McCrabs face when she gets voted out. Priceless! Need some drama in the house. Nothing like a good blindside.

      • I think Amanda would be perfect to go up on the block, which would stop her from telling others who should be eliminated when she’s not ever been on the block before or won HOH…that would set the drama bar very high! LOL

  3. Business is about to pick up on thursday night, the “Mean Girls” (Katlin, Gina Marie, and Aaryn) are all on the block. One of the will be walking out of the house. I hope and pray it is Aaryn finally! If she does, Aaryn must face Julie and all of America!

    • We don’t know about Ginamarie yet.
      Still think there won’t be an exit interview. Exit stage right. Bye bye.

      • We now know that her family hired a PR. I don’t think that the PR will allow it. After that, the question will be: will they invite her to the final show.

      • PR can’t control that. She’s contractually bound to do an interview, if CBS wants it. She’s probably also bound to appear at final show unless CBS doesn’t want her.

      • Well, BB production might just be happy to acquiesce to the PR demand. And for some reason, I really don’t see why Julie would even want to interview her.

      • Maybe Julie wants to grill her. She probably thinks of herself as a journalist too.

      • True (most likely), but PR firms also have teams of lawyers (that’s why and how they control PR) in which they CAN dictate which questions get asked or which topics get talked about in those interviews…

      • Which lead to my first comment, Julie and CBS won’t agree to any limitations. In that situation, there won’t be an interview.

      • She has to do the whole thing, per contract. She’s such a polarizing HG, and probably the most popular player of BB15 right now. Aaryn’s eviction/interview is a must see episode of BB15. I can imagine the rating will surge.

      • Oh, believe me. if it happen, I want to see it for sure. But I’m not getting my hopes up.

      • I hope the studio audience is completely silent, maybe that would get her attention.

  4. I really hope Aaryn goes home. I’m glad Elissa won. People have said she gets special treatment because of her sister, but I have always seen it as an unfair target on her back. Now that she was ‘nominated by America’ maybe the HGs will stop complaining that she has an advantage. And now that she won POV, especially when it counted the most- maybe she will receive some respect. I’ve never seen her as a weak player and aside from her fake smile, real smile, cry face, (fake?) hair, and tons of make-up- she really isn’t much like her sister at all. LOL Well, anyway- I do like her better. I couldn’t STAND Rachel and actually stopped watching the last season she was on because she was so infuriating.

    • I think the game has balanced itself out- somewhat. The MVP twist helped her stay for a few weeks, but it’s a double-edged sword- now she has had to face being nominated from the twist, not just her house guests. I respect her more now. I hope Amanda doesn’t get nommed, but im probably the only one! Lol

    • I know one thing, I wish I could swap bodies with Elissa. She really seems like a sweet person and I think she and Helen aligning themselves together was a very good move for them both. They are my two favorites right now!!

  5. So pov was a “How Bad Do You Want It?” I hope it was like Draw Something last year where it required more than just pressing a button. Did we get anymore details on it?

  6. Wow. Can’t believe America nommed Elissa, but so glad she won veto.

    • I’ll bet she was nominated by mistake. Retards probably voted for her thinking it was to make her MVP again.

      • “Retards”? Very politically correct. That is the #1 word that Amanda haters holler about cuz she says it..

      • So it really sounds like you are saying that the people who voted for Elissa when she won MVP really aren’t very smart.

    • I know, I agree with everyone, I think America misunderstood the instructions. You don’t go from being the most popular to the most unpopular in a week.

      • I think CBS’s ‘fixed’ MVP voting backfired on them. I think America is tired of Elissa being handed it each week.

  7. Don’t really care that she won, but now i’m genuinely interested as to who’s going up next, hmm, could be between Amanda, GinaMarie and Howard.

      • Me too, a lot of people hate her guts as much as Aaryn! She should get the next highest votes! Then, Aaryn, Gina Marie and Kaitlyn can all be on the block and campaign against each other! That should make the week very interesting!

      • Not until Aaryn, Gina Marie, Kaitlyn and Spencer are all evicted from the Big Brother House. I will avoid votes to evict any of the house guests except those above! After that, I am open to whoever gets evicted based on game play and strategy as it should be! The racists and bullies need to be booted out first!

      • Helen has been playing too. Actually, she is playing the best game so far! Amanda is 2nd but, the other house guests can still play if Aaryn, Gina Marie, Spencer and Kaitlyn are all gone! Then, it can be a free for all! I like to see Judd, Candice and Jessie start to play this game. Hopefully, after Aaryn, Gina Marie, Kaitlyn and Spencer are all gone!

      • I agree, I really think she is a smart girl and has it all figured out but she has became a control freak. That just might be her down fall.

      • I agree. And then we will spend the next week having the F-bomb dropped every other word. Right now it’s said at least twice in each sentence. If nom’d i expect the ratio to increase, along with the crying.

      • Atleast, we will have some drama to add to the comedy. Imagine if Amanda plays another trick on Gina Marie? Was laughing last time that Gina Marie was looking for Nick’s cup and the cereal box. That was so funny! There is some entertainment value to be gained, that is for sure!

      • i don’t think she is, people who’re supposed to vote for GM already vote for aaryn,

    • highly doubtfull that howard will go up as replacement, even assuming he did get the 3rd highest votes witch i have a hard time believiing as he seems to be getting the “hero” edit, i just dont see the producers putting him up as they went out of their way to keep him last week and since they never release the voting numbers no one would have any evidence of meddling. I do agree with GM and Amanda though, GM would be my bet.

      • There’s a lawyer on the set. There are federal laws against game show tampering. If Howard lost the vote, he’s going up. Just as Elissa went up today, despite everyone believing the show is “rigged” for her. Production will meddle where it can, but they can’t outright cheat.

      • I’m sure you’re right on that. Probably not a lawyer, but like an accounting firm(external inspector). Like the one that count the vote at the Oscar. Deloitte & Touche for example.

      • I’ve heard there’s a standards and practices lawyer in the production compound. TV networks are paranoid about lawsuits. Wouldn’t be shocked if an accountant is involved too.

      • for the reason that they ARE paranoid about such things, it would indicate that release forms are signed before contestants can come on the show.

      • Production did manipulate it for Elipssa. Watch the feeds. They had to get tiles with numbers and each person was assigned a lane. They are all talking that the only numbers they had were 3 or 4 or 5’s. So they started going in Elipssa’s lane because she was getting 8’s and 9’s. But by then it was too late Elipssa already one. Hmmm sounds like production once again set it so the odds were in Elipssa’s favor by putting all the high numbered tiles in her lane.

      • If production was manipulating a veto for ELISSA to win, then why didn’t they just put someone else on the block to begin with? It makes no sense. Just like disliking Elissa because she is Rachel’s sister makes no sense. The two women are nothing alike.

        And isn’t it funny how Elissa is the only one in the house who has not excused the racism from Aaryn. Tonight, Elissa said she was personally offended. And she should be! We all should be. This is what makes Elissa the MVP in my book. She is not letting the game get in the way of principle.

      • America put Elipssa on the block not production. That’s why CBS manipulated the POV so she could take herself down. CBS will do everything they can to keep Elipssa there.

      • While I agree it’s unlikely there’s blatant cheating, I think simple observation combined with the live feeds gives ample amounts of evidence that ”interference” is at work and has been for a while… Like everything in legal circles it really depends on how you ‘define’ cheating and what release forms contestants sign before. Hasn’t anyone ever wondered why there’s hardly any lawsuits by contestants on reality tv shows? Could it be that these issues are taken very seriously and taken care of ahead of time through release forms (of liability) and confidentiality contracts by teams of CBS lawyers? You want your 15min of fame? You’ll get it the way WE (CBS) say you’re going to get it… not the way YOU want to get it.

      • I have no doubt that contestants sign a pretty extensive contract. On that side, I’m sure CBS is covered.

      • If you were following the suit brought by David Hester against Storage Wars, A & E, he lost his case because the judge claims that the producers have the creative license to craft the show the way they want it! His allegation which was a serious one is blatant cheating on the storage lockers they are bidding on by deliberately planting valuable items! He also claims his contract was terminated when he complained! If we apply the same standard to Big Brother, they can manipulate things about the season like the rules, twists, etc. which they have done in the past. Let me also clarify that does not mean cheating as to the votes because I believe those are audited and there are laws in the books that would prevent that. So, the suggestion that the voting is rigged holds no water. However, other forms of manipulation can be resorted to, to enhance the shows presentation on TV! There is already a precedent to this practice as affirmed by the Storage Wars case

      • In 1960 congress passed a law prohibiting the fixing of quiz shows and any other form of contest that awards prizes. This was a result of the quiz show scandals of the 1950s. I am sure BB can take some creative license in how they present the show but fixing the contests and the eventual outcome of the show is illegal.

      • I think you might be forgetting the role of release forms and confidentiality contracts Prince… I’m also fairly certain (from friends in the business) that reality shows are of a different legal binding because they aren’t game shows. They’re reality shows whose contestants aren’t given any guarantee of fairness or ‘equal opportunity’ rights. Release forms allow the contestants to decide ahead of time whether they will abide by those conditions or not. It’s not like Jeopardy or Wheel Of Fortune.

      • There is a $500,000 prize at the end of the game which makes it a “contest” which makes it covered under the law. You cannot fix it to pay the prize to someone you prefer. The law is very broad. If they players were given a stipend and that was it, it would be a different matter.

      • I’ll let you & Richie battle it out as to who knows the law better… I’m sure there’s elements of both of you being correct. :) For me I’ll stick with what I’ve heard through friends in the industry.

      • I think this was discussed last season, BB isn’t considered a game show, it is unreal “reality” TV. They are called house guests, not contestants, and they are informed going in that production will have input into the show.

  8. Elissa,Good job Mrs.Lady.You and your sister Rachael is the best ones for the bb show….Send AAryn packing..

  9. Okay people this mess was fixed. My theory…….the MVP backfired and the POV was fixed so that Elissa would win. I don’t know how it was fixed, but I believe that it was. Now, the game is all fair again and CBS can not be held accountable for anyone leaving unfairly…..whatever.

    • It was fixed. All the houseguests are talking about it. They were all in assigned lanes with numbered tiles and Elipssa had all the high numbered tiles in her lane.

      • I do not have live feeds but, reading the posts of the other house guests, this is the episode where the house guests are tempted to get prizes in exchange for not going for the POV. Elissa had to go for the POV as well as Aaryn and Kaitlyn but, the others who are not in danger of eviction have no compulsion to refuse any cash awards or prizes which is why
        the odds of winning for Elissa, Aaryn and Kaitlyn are that much higher. I will have to see the actual POV. Like the claim last time that Jeremy and Aaryn cheated—-I did not see anything during the TV airing.

  10. I hope they tell them that America voted for the 3rd nominee and I hope they tell them that Aaryn was first on the list (I hope she was). So happy Elissa won the veto!!

  11. First, congrats to Elissa on winning the POV, second, based on the voting so far with most likely Aaryn first, Elissa second, I have no idea who will be third and more importantly who will be blamed for putting up that third person. It could be Amanda or GinaMarie or may be even Helen….we don’t know. I even have to wonder how next week’s MVP and nominee will be determined? Weird week.

    • Amanda will probably go up and Elipssa was given the POV by production. Watch the feeds all the players are talking about how it was rigged.

      • Yeah I think we’ve heard enough over the past few seasons (live feeds) from the players themselves saying how production ”said” something or ”wanted” something… But then again, it is only a reality ‘show’ it’s not real life.

      • Well I’m not going to go either way with that and instead I will watch the POV competition on Wednesday night and then react if necessary. Until then, she won.

      • Just repeating what I saw on the live feeds. I could very well change my mind after I watch the POV also. But they also edit the show so we will see…

  12. Interesting… I’m thinking Aaryn will go home regardless, because production seems to want her to go home (well, ofc they do), but we’ll see what happens.

    • Most everybody in the house too. Even Kaitlyn want her to go, even if she won’t be able to vote.

      • How? If they let the players play and quit manipulating the game then it’s not up to CBS who goes.

      • I think he’s speaking in hyperbole a little bit here… just like the others who’ve said: ”If CBS doesn’t do this (or if they keep doing this), then I won’t watch anymore!” …yet they end up on discussion forums like this one talking about what they’ve seen & heard.

    • Anything can happen within 48hrs before the vote… people always seem to go back on their plans and accept less thought out deals.

    • Why shouldn’t people dislike her? She rode into the house on her sister’s coattails. Rachel’s fans gave her the MVP (joke of the summer) three weeks in a row. She has no idea how to play the game. Her wet lips are revolting. Any astute viewer knows that production has rigged the show for her to win or at least to stay in the house until she is on the jury.

      • Responding mostly because it’s funny to have 3 Matt/Matthews on the same topic… but yeah I kinda agree with you – I don’t necessarily dislike Elissa the person, but I do dislike Elissa the celebrity who’s had things handed to her for free when the rest have worked really hard to get in there…

      • If, and at this point, it is still a big IF, they made it easy for Elissa to win the veto, then all they did was to fix the mess they made with screwed up vote.

      • Kaitlin was recruited for the show. She said they approached her at a bar one night. Production recruits people every single year. Don’t blame Elissa for taking the opportunity to win 500k. I know I would.

      • no no I went in on the conversation cause I noticed the two other Matt/Matthews – now it could be possible they are the same person. ;)

  13. I forgot that the hoh does not decide who will be Elissa’s replacement. I’m very curious to know who will be the replacement based on America’s vote. Maybe it was fixed, maybe it wasn’t. Hell, I don’t have a clue what’s going on right now.

  14. I hope if next week America gets to vote again, they READ what they are voting for BEFORE they vote…..I’ve heard so many people say they thought they were voting for the MVP like previous weeks. READ PEOPLE READ….lol

  15. If Elissa won the Veto, I don’t understand why she is disqualified from playing in the Veto comp next week …??? What if she’s HOH ??? Will she still be denied the right/opportunity to compete ??? It will be interesting to see who was next in line from America’s MVP nomination for eviction to take her place on the block this week !

    • They had to take prizes or punishments. Judds in solitary, McCrab got 5,000, and Elipssa can’t play in POV.

      • I would have loved that!! No watching Andy’s slipping in and out of everyone’s conversations relentlessly. The rest of the house is onto that as well. They’re getting sick of it.

  16. A few hours ago most of you disliked Elissa and wanted her evicted. Now she suddenly won POV and you’re in love with her. I personally disliked her from the first day and have never changed my opinion. Just saying…

    • Most have fallen for the ‘villain edit’ Aaryn is getting so I don’t think people love Elissa, it’s just that they dislike other people more. ;)

      • She’s not “getting” a villain edit. She IS a villain who is getting the edit that she deserves. The facts are clear for all to see, she said ALL of those nasty things about people. Please tell what there is to fall for?

    • When the show started I was ready to dislike Elissa because I can’t stand Rachel. But I was wrong. I like Elissa very much. She’s nothing like her ditzy giggly sister. I’m able to admit that I was wrong in judging her before I even knew what she was about. Just saying…

  17. I think Amanda and MC should have to leave the HOH room,and the door be locked until Judd gets out of solidary confinment.It is his room,not anyone else in the house.Lock the door BB,don’t be letting other people stay up there.And Amanda is getting to bossy,get her out of the house after Aaryn is gone.

    • I have to agree with you on that Amanda did seem very bossy lately in the house demanding this and that and MC in JUDD’s HOH is becoming to be annoying. But Aaryn should be the person on the block this week that should be evicted.

      • I agree with you completely on Aaryn I personally think she should have been taken out of the game by production a long time ago. Leaving her in is not good entertainment. I hope she does go this week just to get her out of there. But, on the gaming note Amanda needs to go or these houseguests are handing her $500,000 she annoys the hell out of me. Aaryn may be a racist but Amanda is a bully I feel either one is the same both attitudes are bad anyway you look at it. If production isn’t going to take Aaryn out she needs to go first her racist mouth makes her so ugly I can’t stand looking at her anymore!

      • Either one would just do the house a favor. Specially with Amanda suddenly becoming more and more rude with her comments and talking about other people in the house. Aaryn who from the time Big Brother premiere in June she’s disrespectful and isn’t interested in trying to get along with others she’s either approached or said things behind there backs. Aaryn thinks her actions aren’t and shouldn’t be enough for her to take the blame,Amanda who is totally on a rude tour with Aaryn I thought that Amanda was a better person then that but she’s just as worst. To sum it up both need to evicted from Big Brother.

    • Amanda has a big mouth but she is intelligent knows how to play the game. The only thing I don’t like about her is hew fixation on loony McCroody.

  18. From what I have read, Candice wants Aryan out. However, most of the hgs are aware of McCrea’s and Amanda’s tactics, especially Amanda. It is my belief that Amanda might get the boot if she is placed on the block. I hope she isn’t, because I want to see Aryan exit stage left. These hgs are so stupid, so I’m expecting the unexpected.

    • From what I’ve heard from the live feeds, Aaryn is still the target for eviction. Too bad for Armada if she’s the renom. There’s a lot of HG’s that wants to go after McCranda.

      • I don’t have the feeds, but go to Jokers for updates. None of the hgs can keep a secret. Howard is the only person who is trying to form an alliance to get McCranda out. But, Howard talks too much, as well. He has confided in GM and Kaitlin, which I think is dumb……not the right time.

      • Right, Helen is another one that can’t keep her mouth shut. These people are so public in their strategy. It’s unbelievable.

      • Agreed, it’s almost like they don’t stop to consider a good strategy needs to not be shared by everyone in the house. ;)

      • Nick, Although he was booted out early in the game, he was a good strategist.. Sort of an old school type of player. The MVP twist threw him off of his game, according to his interview.

      • Not to mention this season has been a little different in that the first 3 booted were all back-doored and last minute changes… Usually we don’t see so much waffling unless we’re at Golden Griddle!

      • You’re right, I remember BB5, when Nakomi’s “Six Finger Plan”/Backdoor, became a power move. During that time HOH get to pick the players for Veto comp. Then it was changed to players are picked randomly. It could be done with a little luck, but it’s not really easy to execute. BB15’s MVP twist will make “backdooring” common.

  19. I’m guessing this was a veto comp that was set up for Elissa to win. Production isn’t even trying to come off as impartial this year.

    • Would have been better for Production to come clean and say, hey we messed up, so this week no MVP, no third nominee.

    • We wouldn’t know unless someone from the inside spill the beans. Anyone with enough courage to take in personal punishments for this particular comp have a fair shot of winning veto.

    • It sounds like it was one of those “how brutal are you willing to make your life” type comps. So Elissa was apparently open to punishment.

  20. This is simple to understand… Elyssa got put on the block because America either does not like her or resents the advantage she has and wants a fair game. It would have been way too obvious if CBS didn’t let that happen. So “fixing” the Veto comp in her favor was easier, however they weren’t able to “fish tank” Kaitlin before she spilled the beans on the feeds.
    Elyssa has won MVP because all votes divided among 14-15 other people are no match for a fan base of any size, not because America likes her.

    • Aaryn probably finished first, but was already nom’d. So Elissa was the next in line or 3rd in line after Aaryn & Kaitlin.

    • Task team would have to be paid double especially if the “Punishments and Rewards” POV comp was not really lined up for that week. I doubt it considering the resources and logistics to create tasks and competitions throughout the season on a weekly basis.

  21. From what I’ve read, everybody hates Rachel, so I really don’t think her fans gave Elissa all those MVP. Here in Brazil, it’s the public that evicts the hgs, and what makes it really boring and predictable is that the public loves anyone who’s ostracized by the other hgs. Well, that kind of happened to Elissa. She’s been bullied or used since day one. My guess about what happened this week is that, since Aaryn couldn’t be nominated again, the part of the public that’s tired of this twist had their say. Besides, Elissa IS annoyng sometimes.

    • Rachel has a legion of fans. Called the Brenchel Army. So yeah. Let’s say it’s 50/50 love&hate with Rachel. First three weeks, 50% voted for Elissa b/c of Rachel. the other 50% were split among the other HGs. This week, 50% voted for Elissa again, but it was the other 50%. So that means that the Brenchel Army 50% split their votes amongst everyone else. But some of the Anti-Elissa crowd would have voted for Aaryn who was likely 1st in this vote but was already nominated.

      • Wow giving 50% of the audience a love affair with Brenchel seems pretty dang high. If I were to use this site as a gauge for how many Rachel (and/or Elissa) fans there are, I’d put it at 20-25% (which is still enough to command most of the vote with the other votes being split between house guests).

      • I actually would say 50% is pretty accurate. I find Brangelina nauseating but probably around 50% of America loves them

    • Some good points Mari… I think BB changed the format of the audience voting out the nominees in the USA back in season #2 (or around that time)…

  22. I’m hoping for GM to be the replacement because seeing all three of those girls on the block would be sweet (I think it would be karma but I’m betting Arryn wouldn’t think so) Some folks can’t tell when their own bad karma is happening, lol

    • In fairness, that’s how most people are. Haven’t met too many people in my life that’ve said: ”I deserve to be disliked and generally treated poorly”. Aaryn will of course be defensive about her poor behaviour and hurtful actions, as would GinaMarie, as would Kailtyn…etc, in fact I can only see Howard being regretful of things he has said or done.

    • Aaryn is so arrogant and stupid, she thinks these things are happening to her because she’s cute. Honest to God, she said it the other night when she didn’t win HOH. I almost fell off the couch. I don’t know what kind of world her parents have raised her in but it won’t be all unicorns and kittens after this show is over.

  23. With Elissa winning teh Veto I am guessing a couple of people posting here need to be talked off the ledge. :)

  24. It is obvious a couple of people, I won’t mention their names, don’t like Elissa and have resorted to conspiracy theories for why she won the POV. These people must be unaware that there is a law against rigging TV contests like Big Brother. You can look it up if you want. Just do a search on the 1950s quiz show scandals.

    People invent conspiracy theories whenever something happens that they cannot explain or they do not like the accepted explanation. In this case, they want Elissa out of the game for some reason and when she won power of veto it could not be her doing so it had to be that the POV contest was rigged by CBS. Do you think CBS would want to risk huge fines and possibly jail time for executives just to help Elissa win the POV? It’s ridiculous.

    But if you really believe the show is rigged then by all means, report your evidence to congress. And then you can stop watching because why watch something that is obviously fixed?

    • The same thing can also be said to those people who believe that Elissa was unfairly treated because she is Rachel’s sister or somehow “robbed” because she was put up by the MVP vote this week. BB is full of ups and downs. Sometimes your favorite HG wins, and sometimes they don’t.

  25. Here is what happened. Rachel fans voted for Elissa to be MVP last few weeks and over powered all the votes but since America is MVP a lot of folks would have voted for some of the other houseguests to go up on the block but there are more Rachel haters out there to overpower those votes for Elissa to go up on the block . So there were more GM Haters out there , she would have gone up. Unfortunately either you hate Rachel or you love her.

  26. Assuming Elyssa’s nom was a mistake, thinking Helen or Amanda go up on the block next. If it wasn’t a mistake, I’m guessing GM goes up.

    Either way I hope Aaryn’s getting kicked out of the house.

  27. I voted for Elissa…and I knew exactly what I was doing. She is annoying, just like her sister.

  28. Just when you think Aaryn can’t offend anyone else, she goes and offends the blind children tonight. So ready for her to go and I think Elissa is getting a bad rap just because she is Rachel’s sister. I think she is a new and improved version of her sister and is playing the game with integrity.

  29. Aaryn had at one time the higest %67 to go home then Ellisa because aaryn was nominated you where suppose to vote for the person you wanted to see go home this week listen and read

  30. Amanda should go up she is to bossy and controling get her out Aaryn on Thursday she is not a nice person.

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