Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 11.5 Nominations Revealed

Big Brother 15 nominations

It’s spoiler time for Big Brother 15 and we’ve got your nomination spoilers from the Live Feeds. The Feeds are back after tonight’s special eviction episode and we’ve been watching to see who has been nominated.

This would be a great time to sign-up so you can try out the Feeds and get ready for the crucial, final endurance competition coming up on the Live Feeds tomorrow night.

Big Brother 15 Week 11.5 Nominations:

Big Brother 15 Final 4 memory wall

According to the Memory Wall, GinaMarie is not nominated as we can see her key there. Keys are missing for Spencer and McCrae. I’m taking that to indicate those two are nominated.

  • Spencer
  • McCrae

The Veto competition should have already been held, so we’re working on nailing down those spoilers too and will share a new post when we get those results. The Veto comp is what’s really important this week, but these are still interesting to know.

Update: We’ve got results on the Power of Veto competition.

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  1. I hope GM wins the veto and then votes Spinster i mean Spencer .. then she wins the last hoh and sends Andy’s rat face cry baby ass home…

  2. Apparently Andy got Pandora’s box. Just heard Spencer and McCrae laughing about how Andy was locked in with Jerry “Devil” McGuire (Jeremy?)

  3. If the veto ceremony has not been held its actually great strategy for Andy to keep Gm safe because it’s a token gesture as the veto winner has the real power. Andy is just trying to get Gm to take him to final 2 if she wins final HOH. In All stars season Boogie should have done this with Janelle and not kept Will safe. When Janelle won veto she sent Will packing because it was clear Boogie was on Will’s side.

  4. As much as I disliked Amanda, I haven’t even bothered watching since she was booted. And after hearing Judd got the boot tonight, I’m probably not going to until the finale and even then only hoping to hear them all get bashed. What a disappointment. Of course we’ll all be back next season hoping for something different, I hope BB delivers.

    • The audience wasn’t afraid to show their displeasure for Aaryn and Amanda. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t hear more boos coming from the audience in the coming evictions.

      • Did Amanda come through the door through the audience? Production was afraid of all the people booing her.

  5. Another thing, people complain about bringing in new players all the time, but you run the risk of seasons like this when you do that. Granted, you need new players at some point, but at least vets add a familiarity to the enjoyment of the show, though Colton/Survivor looks to push that hypothesis.

    • The problem wasn’t new players , the problem was the casting department did a very very POOR job this season…. as for returning players, that’s BS that some get a second chance to play in a country of 300 MILLION people, duh. If you like returning players so much start a new show, perhaps a sit com or something else and keep the cast for 10 years…. there is NO place in the BB house for players that already have a fan base or are production favorites.

      • Okay well that’s based heavily on your opinion. But the shows generally do better when favourites come back, it’s not a matter of pure game-show experience and hoping they win the money, it has a lot to do with bringing back entertaining players who are fun to watch and draw viewers in. If you’re so hung up yourself on returning players go watch Wheel of Fortune or something.

  6. Not 100% yet, but from listening to them mention Veto it sounds like Spencer may have won… I hope I’m wrong.

  7. Expected McCrae to go up, but I thought he’d use GM as the pawn, not Spencer. Either way, the POV is what counts this week and we’re still waiting for confirmation – or rather, for them to even mention it!

  8. Apparently, they are all making jokes about who won the veto to “throw us off.” The only thing we know for sure is that McCrae and Spencer are on the block. The veto comp was played, but it is unclear if the ceremony has been held. I would assume it has since the eviction is tomorrow. I don’t have time for these fools games. I’m going to bed.

      • No they had the veto cermony last night, the eviction will be tonight early in the show and then they will start part 1 of the final 3 round, then I think part 2 is held on Saturday part 3 Sunday and then on WED night, whom ever won the hoh will on live tell us who they pick for the final 2. Then that 3rd person will go out to panel and join the jury, then ?s of course and then winner!

  9. If the veto is hanging on the wall that would indicate that the ceremony has not happened because they put it in that box right? I feel like Sherlock Holmes looking for clues………..

    • I hope you are right because I am reading on other sites that Andy won POV and he and Spencer are going to tell McCrae he is going home and they will tell him about the Exterminators alliance.

      McCrae can explain what an idiot he was for not evicting one of them when he had the chance and the evicting his only ally instead. If McCrae goes home, he can ponder that.

    • It looks like Andy won POV and they are sending McCrae home. F3 will be Spencer, GM and Andy. The worst possible outcome. BB has not failed to disappoint week after week this season.
      Last hope is GM wins the last HOH and sends Andy home.

      • Hopefully GM sticks to her deal with McCrae and will be voting for Spencer to leave. Hopefully she is smart enough to see that Andy and Spencer are tight and have a final 2 deal. Her best move is to send Spencer packing.

      • Actually that would be stupid of her to take him, cause she deff would lose spencer vote in Jury if she was final 2, and then Amanda is there so there is Mccrae second vote to win. But then again I dont like are final 4, but if I had to be forced to pick a person it would be GM

    • It sounds like they are guessing over there too. But I am expecting the worst at this point. That’s what I have gotten every week.

  10. Judging from their behavior, it looks like McCrae is the most nervous and GM and Spencer are the least nervous. From this I think that means GM or Andy won the POV.

  11. I am just sick to see Andy pull off the HOH. He is the most non-deserving of a win cast member on the show. All this does is tell his students and young people who admire him, if there are any, that lying and deception pay off.
    I hope the jury votes against him with all the power of a good verbal tongue lashing for his behavior in the house. Andy was loyal to no one and took advantage of the loyalty of others. Some might say this is all part of playing the game but it goes deeper. Andy’s thought processes are devious and that comes from deep from within him and is the way he lives his life.
    God help anyone who trusts Andy.

    • It’s a game. He did nothing that anyone else in the game didn’t do.

      His college-age students aren’t so stupid to confuse the game and real life.

      • I comprehend that you’re saying that he’s a liar and a cheat because he’s gay. That’s pretty obvious.

      • So everyone who doesn’t like him is a gay-basher. Well that sums it up, you are not only closedminded, your unable to remove your anxst about being gay from your conversations. Talk to us when your more mature about things.

      • My wife doesn’t think I’m gay.

        Mature people don’t write, “Andy’s thought processes are devious and that comes from deep from within him and is the way he lives his life.” They don’t back that up by saying, “Hopefully his students are smarter than some and can read and comprehend my statement.”

        It doesn’t take a genius to realize your inference that he’s devious and a liar because he’s gay. What else could you mean when you write about deviousness that “comes from deep within him and is the way he lives his life”?

        Simply put, Andy has played a very strategic game. The fact that people can’t separate a game from reality is sad. No one has ever won Big Brother without lying. Even sweet, clueless Jordan lied at times.

        Big Brother isn’t about being the most virtuous person. You want that? Go to church.

      • Amen brother whatever you say! Your the judge of what others say, you know best, you know better what folks mean than they do and oh yes, I’ll bet your told all the time, “your always right”. Whatever makes you feel better bro.

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 11.5 Power of Veto Results Revealed | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15 Spencer & McCrae Nominated For Eviction Last Night For Week 12 | Hollywood Hills
  3. Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Overnight Results Revealed On Nominations & Final Veto | Big Brother Network
  4. Big Brother 15 Episode 34: Live Show Reveals Final Three Tonight | Big Brother Network

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