Big Brother 15: McCrae Chops The Mop Top – See His New Look [Photos]

McCrae stresses out

It’s hard to imagine McCrae Olson without his scruffy, signature look and his Big Brother fans can rest easy that even after he took a pair of scissors to his shaggy top this weekend but managed keep most of his locks intact. Mostly.

Out on his holiday vacation with Amanda Zuckerman, yes they are still together, McCrae put his hair in a ponytail, grabbed the scissors, and, despite the protests, cut away.

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Sure, he didn’t end up taking that much off, but it’s definitely shorter and a different look. Of course him being vertical instead of laying in that corner bed is also a new look, so maybe change is good here.

What do you think of McCrae’s new haircut? Should he take even more off the top or let it grow back out to it’s full BB15 glory? Sound off in the comments below and check out all the pics to see how it turned out!

Source: Instagram 1, 2



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  1. Needs it professionally done.. Its a start though. I cant believe those two are still together, but hey..they proved on the show..they will do anything for publicity.

  2. Looks a lot cleaner.. He actually is good looking when you can see his face.
    Did either of them find jobs yet?

  3. I bet we will see mccranda vs the reilly sisters on BB16 rumored to be allstars& family!

  4. It looks good. Could be even shorter. A clean shaven beard might also look nice.
    I like Amanda and I like McCrae.

  5. As much as I like watching Big Brother every summer, it reaches a point that I am no longer interested in the people on the show. I live near where Judd’s hometown is and I am sick of seeing him appear at car lots and backyard BBQ’s. It is pathetic. These people were contestants on a game show. They are not famous. They now need to go away.

    • How is what they’re doing hurting you? Apparently they are somewhat famous, or they wouldn’t be in demand at these appearances. I haven’t seen anything about any of them since the show was over. I guess you have. ‘

  6. I think it looks alot better. We aren’t the ones having to live with her so you shouldn’t judge. If they are happy that is all that matters. We are with who we want so why shouldn’t they. Happy for them.

  7. Why did he cut it and not Amanda??? Then in truth I REALLY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT EITHER ONE OF EM…

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