Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: Week 6 Monday Highlights

Big Brother 14 Live Feeds

After several days of slow Big Brother 14 Live Feeds, they’re back with a vengeance. Today Shane had to put up a replacement nominee and that person is not very happy. Boogie and Frank continue to campaign and fight for Boogie to stay in the house. Dan and Shane are now their main targets, so there were a lot of discussions and some voices raised throughout the day. Read on to find out what we saw and heard yesterday on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 20, 2012:

9:58 AM BBT — Joe telling Boogie Shane won’t say what he’s going to do at the Veto ceremony.

10:25 AM BBT — Boogie in HoH throwing Dan under the bus one more time before the Veto ceremony. He’s telling Shane that Dan is playing him. He really wants Shane to put Dan up.

11:00 AM  BBT  — Frank giving it one last shot with Shane before the Veto ceremony. He is called to DR for the Veto ceremony. Feeds cut.

11:52 AM BBT — Feeds return and we learn Jenn is on the block now. She’s confused and angry.

11:56 AM BBT — Britney tells Jenn she is sorry that she’s on the block. She wants her to know it wasn’t her idea.

11:58 AM BBT — Jenn is blaming Dan. Much like Boogie and Frank.

12:01 PM BBT — Jenn goes to talk to Shane. She lets him know she’s not happy. Welcome to the game, Jenn.

12:23 PM BBT — Ashley and Danielle talking about how bad they feel for Jenn. Ashley says they won’t be voting Jenn out. Duh. That’s the plan.

12:30 PM BBT — Boogie and Frank start calling out Shane in the kitchen. Things get slightly heated. Boogie is being more snarky, while Frank is being more aggressive. Shane holds his own.

12:54 PM BBT — Boogie and Frank sit next to Dan in the living room. Dan is reading the Bible and Boogie is trying to get Dan going. Boogie says he knows he is a good guy in the real world. Frank disagrees. He doesn’t like Dan at all.

 1:08 PM BBT — Jenn has joined the intimidation attempt against Dan. Now they’re all talking about Dan like he’s not there. Dan doesn’t take their bait. Joe has joined in and tells Boogie and Frank he doesn’t agree with their bullying. They say it isn’t bullying.

1:39 PM BBT — Dan and Danielle are in the arcade room. Danielle is crying, making all the drama all about her. She said that Boogie and Frank made her feel bad saying that Dan is going to backstab her and that he picked Kara over her. Danielle is really out of control. She has issues. And yes, it may just be from being in the house, but whatever.

1:46 PM BBT — Britney talking to Boogie and Frank. She tells them she made sure Shane did not tell her what he was going to do because she didn’t want to get the blame like she did when he first nominated them. Right now Britney is off their radar.

2:30 PM BBT — Britney and Danielle in the HoH bathroom. Britney finally letting Danielle know that she’s being a little ridiculous. So amazing someone finally told her not everything is about her. Might just be my favorite highlight of the day.

4:09 PM BBT — Dan, Shane, Danielle and Joe say a double eviction with Frank heading out behind Boogie would be ideal.

4:36 PM BBT — Jenn lobbying to get votes. She clearly has no idea what’s going on. Isn’t it obvious that this is all a way to get Boogie out?

4:58 PM BBT — Frank and Dan are talking. Frank says he has to get Dan and Shane out to have a shot. Kind of a weird conversation.

5:21 PM BBT — Britney talking to Ian, telling him she’s seen a different, and mean, side of him today. He says he’s playing it up for effect.

6:15 PM BBT — Danielle finds out that Jenn is mad at her and so an entire evening of “OMG Jenn hates me” ensues. Danielle has a brand new focus to keep her mind appeased.

6:27 PM BBT — The Quack Pack is worried about where Ian’s head is. He said earlier he’d evict Joe next instead of Frank, so they’re worried about that.

7:03 PM BBT — Jenn heard that Danielle was crying. She said she wants to make Danielle cry more.

7:18 PM BBT — Frank and Shane talking in the arcade room. More of the same. Shane acting wishy-washy and Frank saying Shane is the #1 target now instead of Dan.

8:18 PM BBT — Boogie and Frank realize they’re not going to get Britney’s votes. Boogie changes the topic to Ian and he’s upset that he’s so friendly with Dan.

8:42 PM BBT — Boogie and Frank giving Ian a hard time about hanging out with Shane. Ian said he’s not going to stop hanging out with anyone. Frank and Boogie are being kind of jerk-y to Ian, expecting him to only talk to them.

9:24 PM BBT — Shane is talking to Danielle and Dan about Britney hanging out with Ashley and talking to Jenn. He hopes she’s not going to throw the next HoH because she feels safe on all sides of the house. Britney is really just outside being social but they’re all being paranoid.

9:30 PM BBT — Joe heads to the Diary Room after complaining of rapid heart, sweats and headache. He’s worried his blood pressure is up.

10:04 PM BBT — Joe comes out and says his BP is up. They gave him a pill.

10:52 PM BBT — Frank starts working on Joe again, trying to get Joe to come work with them.

11:15 PM BBT — After a talk with Boogie, Ashley decides she’s going to vote for Boogie to stay. She asks Ian if he wants Boogie in. He says yes despite his Quack Pack alliance.

3:00 AM BBT — Boogie and Frank talk game with Joe. They’re working hard to convince him to become the 4th vote to keep Boogie. Froogie are sure they have Ian and Ashley’s votes as well. Joe is noncommittal, but says he’s interested and will talk with Ashley.

It’s nice to finally see Jenn in the game. It is, however, annoying that she doesn’t quite get what’s going on. It’s pretty clear that she’s a pawn to get Boogie out. So I’m not sure why she’s so shocked to be on the block. In other seasons, she would have been put out of that game just for being the massive floater she’s been so far.

You can catch all of these Big Brother 14 events using Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. Is it inconceivable that Frank, Ashley, Joe, and Ian vote to evict Jenn?  I admit it’s unlikely, but it would be a HUGE move on Ian’s part.  i just don’t know if it’s smart for him to turn against his alliance so early.  But he has to know that once Frank, Ashley, and Joe are gone, he’s next.

    • If he keeps Boogie, the targets are STILL Boogie, Frank and Shane.  If Boogie goes, QP will think about nominating/evicting Ian.  They already think he’s suspicious.  Also, Ian is the only person smart enough (other than B,F) to realize that Dan and Britney are playing a great game, under the radar.  Dan and Brit know they won’t be losing to Jenn, Joe, Ashley or Danielle.

      • Dan knows only Shane and Ian stand in front of that $500,000. Brittney is not even that smart to consider a major threat.They will be his next targets.
        Newbies should be wise, the ex-coaches are in the game to win that $500,000 and not to be the newbies buddies!

    • The Quack Pack has already talked about Ian yesterday. Like Shelley of last season, he will get nowhere because he is at the bottom of that alliance. Multiple lies to multiple people will get you evicted like Janelle too! What he should have done if he was half as smart is to form other alliances and observe how the other house guests are behaving. Instead, he forms one alliance and puts all his trust in it! Pretty dumb move! And this guy has the arrogance to mouth off how Boogie and Frank won’t know what hit them and will never know that he betrayed them! Boogie and Frank does not suspect Ian only because they trusted him so much! That is their own fault. In Ian’s case, he is too trusting of the Quack Pack but, after they get rid of Frank, you know the back stabbing will start because there are less house guests in the house and Dan and Shane are thinking what if Ian turns on them? You cannot be dumber than that to trust Dan who has lied and backstabbed practically everyone but, had someone do his dirty deeds and Shane who betrayed how many of his alliances so far?

      • I don’t feel sorry for Boogie the Biggeset backstabber in BB history.  Booggie was trying to get Ian to win and put up Brit and Shane.  Poor, poor Boogie what comes around gos around. Boogie can dish it out but can’t take it.  Poor player.

      • BBFANS1-13…….This is a numbers game. Simple as that. Boogie and Frank versus Dan, Danielle, Shane, Brittney and Ian. Put any of the two of the Quack Pack against five good players and they will still lose! Boogie played his cards the best he could except when he went for that $10,000.
        That was his big mistake. If he went for HOH then, he and Frank would have been safe! That is his only mistake but, it was a costly mistake for him and Frank!

      • F the quack pack – bunch of mouthy idiots….Britney’s mouth and talking crap about people immediately after she talks to them all sweet and nice…Danielle and ugh, just Danielle that says it all.  Shane who is the least annoying but is p whipped.  Dan is just an arrogant you know what – loved him in 10, do not love him in 14.  Ian, the only one with real hope is so naive with how the quack pack is legit, when in fact, this could screw him.  Team Frank, Boogie (Janelle, I still luv ya), Ashley and Ian (Joe is too much of a p to be included, until one of them is in power) and Jenn I like until she believes all the crap Britney is throwing at her! 

    • Ian won’t turn on the Quack Pack because he is arrogant enough to believe that they have his back because he betrayed Boogie and Frank. Too bad for him, when he is backdoored, he won’t know what hit him and he will ask
      why? He should be thinking strategically what to do next which would get him closer to that $500,000 if he really wants it. He could learn a lot from Dan who has multiple alliances in the Big Brother House. Watch Dan get Shane and Ian out of the house, he is the smart one!

      • Yeah but either way if he votes to keep Boogie quack pack be pissed and if he voted Boogie out the other side of the house mad at him. I think his best move is to go with quack pack and hope a floater wins hoh and takes one of them out in the quack pack

      • Flo Dean…….Dan is throwing competitions like HOH and POV and is probably much better at it than he is showing. He did the same thing the first time he played. Looked like a loser who cannot win anything but, won it at the end when he needed to! I do not think Dan is going to trust Shane and Ian long enough to backdoor him! He will make the first move!

    • I think Ian may go (leave the house, I mean) after Frank.  He knows enough to be dangerous so unless one of QP plan to take him to the end, I think he’s the next biggest threat after Frank, unless he wins HoH then.  If his nominations don’t please Dan/Shane, he’s toast. Brit (I believe) is planning to go to the end with Danielle (I also think Dan/Shane might have same thought) so if she doesn’t think Ian is serving her purpose, she’ll fold and let the men put his head on a stick.  She’s ruthless as long as it isn’t too much work.  Lol. J/K.  I just don’t think they’ll keep Ian around til the end.  They’ll need to catch him off guard (i.e. “early”).  Then he can experience the Jury House.

      • How ca n these girls soak the v ja jas in the same tub together? This is just gross and another thing I tape After Dark and I’m Done watching BB this is so not game it’s called stab your brother in the back.

    • Ian will be toast if he votes to keep Boogie. Remember someone else who switched multiple times. Lots of people have been hosed on Survivor for switching sides a little too often.

  2. If boogie stays we’ll all know that this show is fixed. Then they wonder why the ratings are down! People are getting sick of production running the show. Frank would of been long gone if production didn’t reset the game right when frank was on the block and heading out the door. Total BS! Your audience isn’t stupid production, you want these two morons there, why I just don’t know. Most cannot stand the two and want them gone. I wonder if production is telling Jen to act the way she is. I mean, come on! She’s a pawn and if she not smart enough to realize that she shouldn’t be in the house in the first place. Again, total BS!

    •  Ratings are down because the element of surprise is gone.

      It’s really creepy to know that the game is rigged.  As soon as production learned that Frank had that choice chip, he should have been disqualified from the pov game.

      To think that Rachel winning last year … or Jeff getting that special power …

      •  The show was #2 in its time slot during the Olympics (No show beats the Olympics) and is still #1 all other times, ratings are fine.

      • Big Brother is in its 14th season. Most shows do not even make it thru the first season. You can dream on but, Big Brother will continue to be a big money maker. If you really believe your BS, then, stop watching. Those that say that are still on these boards posting! That means, more viewers and ratings should go even higher! And with the millions of Big Brother fans worldwide, even if they lose a handful, it won’t be enough to make a dent in their revenues! Nobody cares if you watch or not although, I am sure you will still be here just the same!

    • Dude I too wouldn’t be surprised if production told Jenn to act like that to give Boogs a fighting chance; and tell her if she does and then gets evicted, they’ll give her x-amount of money.

      Jenn’s personality from what I hear did a complete turn since being nominated. Hm.

      Also there’s an article saying on the live feeds Shane was doing the nominations in his room and suddenly you hear a voice saying “you sure you wanna do that?” regarding nominating Boogie, and then the feeds cut out. Later Shane was telling this to Danielle, what production said to him, and the feeds immediately cut out.

      This shows dumb. Production manipulation grows every season. That Pandoras box last year was BS. First one in BB history NOT to be mentioned before hand by Julie. It came out of left field bc JR were nominated and they needed a way to try and save them BOTH ie bring back the duo twist. BS.

  3. 1) Looks like Boogie is going home…one of the best of all time though whether you like him or not.
    2) Nice to see Jenn turn some heat on…that New York in her couldn’t be held back much longer.
    3) What a punk Britney is…the way its worded in the article makes it sound nonchalent, but Britney was throwing everybody under the bus yesterday including Shane and Dan…

    • Brittney does not have any game that is why! All she knows is that she will throw anyone under the bus and act like she is not part of it! Did you see her act when Janelle, oh poor, poor Janelle she was my best friend! Well, she stuck a knife in her back at the time she was saying that! LOL

    • Britney played that way on the other season she was on.  I have to fastforward when she is talking cuz she is just full of herself.  And Dan is playing much cleaner than Boogie that is for sure.  And to be calling him names is uncalled for.  GO HOME BRATNEY!!!!

    • all of ya on this page need to recognize a great player when you see one! Boogie and Dan are doing their thing, and doing it well!

      • Boogie is going home getting a taste of his own medicine.  So he doesnt make it to the jury house.  He has never had to go to the jury house has he?  didn’t he come in 2nd first time and won 2nd time.

    • Dan is a master manipulator. If anyone has a good shot at that $500,000 right now, it is Dan. He plays the coy, nice guy act while, someone else like Ian, Shane and Brittney does the dirty work. Then, when the time comes, he will just as soon stick a knife at their backs just the same! Boogie was right about Dan but, the dummies cannot use their heads long enough to think about it!

      • Dan doesn’t win til the end….keeps the blood and targets on his alliances’ hands, not his own…til he has to “shank” his own (his words).  He’s good.

      • The only way Dan wins, is if he sits beside Booger, or someone whom the jury despises. This is a jury that won’t give it to a winner.

    • Maybe Dan hasn’t won anything, but Boogie had a chance to win HOH the other day and he was playing for money so he has no reason to complain about anything, if he doesn’t like where he is then he should have done something to help himself and Frank. No he would rather talk about everyone else not winning anything.

    • If you can’t see what a brilliant subtle game Dan is playing, what are you watching for? He’s playing the way game was intended. The anger and bitterness that makes for dramatic show is the character flaws in these ppl when you throw in paranoia and panic. Dan has been chilltown from the beginning. It’s really a joke that if things don’t go Froogies way, they fall to pieces and resort to bullying and intimidation.

  4. Frank & Booger are so freakin’ hateful… And Danielle, shut it already! Somebody toots in China and she makes it all about her.

    •  I dont think so, I think Joe realigns with B/F and Jenn Goes, Shane or Dan is eveicted on Thursday as part #2 of the double eviction

      • No, there is absolutely NO logical scenario in which Boogie stays. It can only be a tie. I DO NOT see Dan, Dani and Brit keeping Boogie. It’s stupid. That way you made the two people you angered stay in the house and go after you?

      • even if joe votes for boogie to stay frank jenn joe for boogie is only 3
        brit dan banielle ian voting for boogie out

      • messed up on other post jemm cant vote so frank joe ashley for boogie to stay
        brit dan daniell ian for boogie to go
        unlees production steps in to save boogie he is gone

      • Wishful thinking on your part.  Jenn has Ashley & Frank voting her out, possibly Joe in your scenario.  That’s it.  Dan, Danielle, Britney, and Ian all will be voting to evict Boogie.  Even if he somehow convinces Joe to side with him, he’s still sunk 4-3.  Sorry, but unless Production steps in again, he’s gone.  Oh and good riddance if it finally happens.

    • logical scenario? joe, ashley, frank and ian vote jenn, ian’s thought about keeping boogie, though i think its unlikely theres still a chance.

  5. Why don’t they tell Jenn she is a pawn? I think that Ian is going to vote Boogie out, he won’t turn on the QP this soon. What does Boogie, Frank and Jenn think they will accomplish by cornering Dan? He is to level-headed to let them bother him. I LOVE the live feed updates!!

    • They don’t tell her because then they would have to explain what shes missed the last 45 days while sleeping.    And that would take until the finale to clue her in.   How could she NOT know she’s the pawn?   And what’s with the lobbying to keep Boogie?….does she not know she will be sitting in the other chair?     She doesn’t have a clue how the game is played.     Someone sneak her in an instruction book…..QUICK!

      • That hilarious! I didn’t know she was campaigning for Boogie! Come on Jenn you have to know that if he stays you go! Jeez Louise!

      • Some people are just plain stupid, they cannot understand how things work.Jenn may be acting like that too draw attention to herself..who knows. I guess that is suppose to make good T.V.

    • They are done just the same. After Frank, who are they going to target?
      My money is on Ian or Shane. Dan would be stupid to allow himself be backdoored by these amateurs when he is the master manipulator!

      • You know, Richie, say Boogie goes this week & Frank next time…  I’m not so sure Dan would send Shane home before Brit.  He might.  Brit doesn’t want Shane in the end (she wants to go with a girl) but she needs him there to win and send home the floaters & Dan/Ian – so she might not vote him out that quickly.  I think Dan “knows” he has Dani’s vote against Shane if/when it comes down to it – or he can talk her out of her vote (I think she is more loyal to Dan than Shane at this point).  I think Dan is smart enough to smell what Brit’s cooking up with Danielle, though, and might put the laser on Brit first, telling Shane Brit is the head of the girl snake (girl alliance) so she has to go – had to happen sooner or later so let’s bro up and do this thing.  Shane might buy into that Bro mentality, feeling his oats – and go with it.  I don’t think Dan really wants to go to the end with Shane (who does unless you’re playing for $50K?) and he has said he bets the edits are making Ian out to be the mastermind of the Boogie eviction – so I’m not sure whether or not he’ll take “America’s Sweetheart” (Ian) to the end either (now).  But I think Dan will weed Brit out before Shane maybe.  I don’t think Dan trusts her at all.  We’ll see.

      • BBAD Influence……Leaving Shane in the Big Brother House is a big mistake. Looking back now, Frank should have backdoored Shane because he has betrayed him time and time again! How many alliances have they had and Shane betrayed Frank each time. Dan would be making a huge mistake to trust Shane. He should get rid of Shane first as he is a better competitor as far as HOH and POV. Brittney not so much and also, she talks too much and reveals pretty much what she is going to do! She is not the smartest tool in the shed. Ian probably should go next as he is another backstabber without any conscience as he showed with Frank and Boogie!

  6. Ashley is so STUPID! Ugh, get boogie out now, while they have the change. But of course, something will happen that will keep Boogie in the house, and keep him and Frank safe till the end. If that happens, I can guarantee that I will NOT be watching Big Brother ever again. So fricken rigged its not even a good show anymore. I really hope that Production reads ALL these comments and realizes that people do NOT want Boogie and Frank there.

    • Ashley should know she is a target of the Quack Pack. Forming an alliance with Frank, Jenn and Joe is the smartest thing to do! If Franks wins the 2nd HOH, he sends Dan, Shane or Brittney out of the house right behind Boogie! Floaters have to band together and go after the Quack Pack. That is their only chance at that $500,000.

    • Cholla9508, this show has been rigged since they stopped the viewing public from doing the evictions. When we were the ones voiting out the house guest it was rigged. Come on look at last year when they brought Brendon back when the other evicted guest had more votes to come back then he did. And Racheal winning, come on.

      • I don’t believe that the Brendon vote was rigged. Reasoning: There were two groups of people last year, the love and the hate Rachel.  The love people ALL voted for Brendon to enter the house, however the hate group ended up splitting their vote between Cassi and Dom. (and then the people like me that voted for him just hoping he’d have to battle Rachel)

        Also, they did a poll on this site about that last year and Brendon won that poll as well. A third party, non-CBS, poll.

      • Also, as for the viewing public voting. I don’t think the show would be as interesting if we followed that format. The public would vote out the people that keep the drama going, and then we would be left with a house full of people that live together peacefully. Also, we would not see the real personality of the houseguests because they would act like they thought the voting public wanted. There would be no drama in the house that way.

      • That would be like Dancing with the Stars which they messed up royally allowing fans to vote multiple times and ending up voting the better dancers out while, those that cannot dance a lick but, are fan favorites continued on!
        Gave that one up. I have Big Brother, Survivor and Storage Wars to entertain me plus sports.

      • Nick, IMHO, you’re wrong about the public voting.  Take a look at any given season of BB UK on YouTube…..(non-celebrity, because they’re only in there for 3 weeks and are wimps).  The claws still come out, the personalities DO come out because they’re in there for 10 weeks, and there are still bullies, but even though the bullies this season consistently outnumbered the “real” housemates, the public vote kept the decent people in (there were just a few of them).  The public vote works in the UK.  I love the public vote!!  Just my opinion, though.

    • I agree I want Frank and Boogie gone too. You are right Ashley is stupid can she not see that they are usung her to stay in the game. After they get what they want then they just get rid of all the castaway as they call them.

  7. I have been a fan for years ! I cant believe the craziness this season.Its so weird that its not even enjoyable. I usually know who I want to win by now but I don’t care. Even my friends and family who usually so excited for the season to start don’t care if they miss it . So sad !Who were the idiots that put this season together………

      • What they’ll do is have a special Pandora’s box, and Boogie will the the one who magically finds it. It has the DIAMOND power of veto, and he takes himself off the block, overthrows the HOH and has the sole vote for eviction and immunity the following week…

        So yeah, don’t think they won’t pull that one out.

  8. Good to see Joe get on board with Boogie and Frank at 315AM BBT, good honest conversation in the BY, The quack pack is doomed

    • Unfortunately, they are short one vote. More than likely, Boogie will go home. However, if Frank, Ashley, Joe and Jenn can stick together and Frank wins the 2nd HOH, they can start going after the Quack Pack and
      tear them to pieces!

      • I think at this point it is safe to say Joe will be voting Boogie out. He is not ok with the way he has been acting about this whole being nominated thing.

      • LOL.  Frank, Ashley, Joe and Jenn will tear the Quack Pack to pieces?!  Are you serious.  The only person out of those 4 that has won ANYTHING is Frank.  Say he wins HoH and puts up Shane & Dan, one of them goes home, the next HoH Frank CANNOT compete!  Do you really think Ashley, Joe, or Jenn can win an HoH against ANY of the Quack Pack.  Best case scenario for you, Frank gets one of them out after Boogie goes, but then he’s gone the very next week.  Then the remains of your scenario get picked off one by one.

      • Scott……Frank needs the votes of the floaters to break the Quack Pack. And what is the Quack Pack anyways? Its strongest players are Shane and Dan. Take those two away and you are close to parity if you have the votes.
        Frank needs to win the 2nd HOH. Sure, he does not play next week for HOH but, unless they backdoor him, he will play for Veto. And if he is not put on the block but, gets picked to play for Veto then, he will be safe again! If Frank survives beyond one week, he can take one more out of the Quack Pack. That makes it two and he can play for HOH again the next week. Win that HOH again and another Quack Pack goes home! As long as Frank is in the Big Brother House and keeps winning HOH and POV, he can take out as many of the Quack Pack and if only Danielle and Ian are left, any of the floaters can win HOH! Don’t laugh because if there are only so many people left, the floaters can luck out and win HOH and finish the job!

    • Sure hope not !!!!  Joe would be better off with Dan, Shane, Brit . at least for now.

  9. after this double eviction there should be one more in the next 3 weeks i think. isn’t the show supposed to be over sept 23?

  10. Dear god,

    Ian, please be stupid and turn on the QP and vote jenn out!

    All boogie needs is your vote and he’s in for the clear!

  11. The reset would not have changed Frank staying in the house.  The coaches, if they would have opted to not come in, would have left the door open for 4 house guests to come back.  There were two full teams of 3 (Boogie and Janelle) and two teams of 1 (Dan and Britney).  Losing Frank would have made the 5th house guest gone, but Willie was expelled, meaning he could not come back.  All 4 evicted house guests (including Frank) would have had to re-enter the house at that point to get the game back on track.

    So, that entire “conspiracy” theory is kinda blown…

    • They wouldn’t have brought them all back. While I’m sure Frank would have been voted back in I don’t think that all 4 would have come back. They would have not done any double evitions this year and they would have only brought back 2 of the houseguests.

  12. Blueberry’s Lock Prediction

    EVICT JENN: Frank, Ian, Ashley and Joe

    EVICT BOOGIE: Dan, Danielle, Britney

    Buh Bye Jenn, Welcome Back Boogie

    • Much as I want Boogie to stay. Ian is determined to evict Boogie because the arrogant twit thinks he is so smart betraying those who trust him! He is not that smart and he could be next on the chopping block if Shane and Dan get their way! So, I think Boogie will still be evicted!

    • That is some wishful thinking. I hope you’re right. I can’t stomach how smug the anti Frank and Boogie HG’s will become if Boogie gets the boot. I’d love to see Shane, Dan, or Ian get the boot in the double eviction.
      TEAM BOOGIE!!!! =)

      • Lol you are team boogie and you are talking about the Quack pack being smug?? That is the pot calling the kettle black

    • If Boogie manages to stay – That house won’t burn.  It’ll go nuclear! 
      To quote Jenn: “Get your Xanax.  Ask for it early!”  Only instead of Xanax, they’ll need helmets and iron underwear.  Lol.

  13. Its a shame that Jenn, Ashley and Joe are putting their fate in the hands of Boogie and Frank.  It was just a few days ago that Boogie and Frank talk so much trash about all of them, even got as far as saying how much they couldn’t stand and hated them.  I would like to see what kind of game Frank would play without Boogie. Jenn needs to chill and because she is burning her bridges, however I’m glad to see her join the game.

  14. Jenn is beyond dumb. Boogie is cheering her on to implode because if she does, there might be a chance that she gets voted out. Especially if she continues to torture Danielle (even though I am not a Danielle fan) there may be some rogue votes. I have to say I have a lot of respect for Dan the way he has kept his cool in spite of the threats and intimidation. Boogie is playing an emotional game, he obviously is no Will Kirby. I do think he is good at manipulation, but his emotions get the best of him. He says he is going to call everyone out before he leaves. I truly hope that when he gets on the couch with Julie she tells him that Ian was the backstabber not Dan. He is going to feel stupid.

    • Oh, Dan was a huge part of it. He is the master manipulator. Ian is not a smart cookie just because he can betray Frank and Boogie. House guests betray each other in this game left and right mind you! And I am sure this won’t be the last backstabbing happening in the Big Brother House. Boogie was right about Dan because he knows Dan’s game being a good manipulator himself. Only fools are those that think Dan is this really nice guy! When they pull the knives out of their backs, they will know how nice Dan really is!

  15. Maybe Frank/Boogie can hit a hot button with Jenn to make her seriously lose her mind up in there, or Boogie can bribe her, to self-evict and, thus, void the 1st eviction this week.  Since she is a Shane nomination, Shane’s HoH “counts”. 
    F/B can ask Jenn if she stays, how far will she go, really?  No way for her to win or even get close (them talking, her listening) so why not make the most of a sucky situation and let “Boogs” give her a hand out in the real world in exchange for letting him seek revenge now, if only to stay long enough to take out Dan & for Frank to take out Shane/whatever. Wouldn’t put it past him. 
    I think Ian really believes he can win the game against his current alliance unless he is tipped off that they are already plotting his demise, so I don’t think F/B can pull him into their #3 spot for real.  They maybe can pull in Adam, er uh, Joe though.

    • Boogie has $16,000. What if he bribes Jenn and gives her say $10,000 to make it hell and go crazy on Dan, Brittney, Danielle and Shane? Ian will not change her vote but, she can steer the others and make them angry enough to evict her. Of course, she is not going to tell the Quack Pack that Boogie promised him $10,000. Hell, that would be a classic manipulation move if Boogie were to do it and Jenn pulls it off! LOL

  16. I dont see why so many of you are  worried about Ian….dont worry, if CBS wants Ian to stay, Ian will stay, they will put the bug in his ear on what is going on. This show is more rigged every year….lol!

    • Nobody is worried about Ian. Ian will be evicted soon enough, that is pretty much guaranteed. Dan and Shane will see to that!

    • Long shot but in that house – who knows?  Longshot: F/B truly pull Ian in, promising him #3 spot with them vs #5 with the rat squad.  Now I do think Ian believes he can win the whole enchilada against his current alliance but if he was tipped off that they are already plotting his demise, he might slither back to the F/B nest.  He despises Joe and has said he’d put up Joe if he won HoH (much to the uneasiness of his current QP) but to extend his BB experience in the house, he just might shake hands with the devil and worry about Joe later.  But only if he had an inkling that the QP was carving out his nom speech already.  That’d give Boogie Frank/Ash/Ian & Joe (assuming the possibility of #3 spot with them would be the ticket to get Joe on board).  That’s enough for Boogie to stay.  He will try anything so until the fat lady sings, I’m not counting him totally out yet.  He PROBABLY is gone but until the door shuts behind him, beware.  Lol

      • All Boogie has to do is remind Ian of the $3000 he gave him.   Guilt has a way of making people do things they normally wouldn’t . 

      • CuriosityCounts…….If you have seen this arrogant twit act lately, he feels he is so smart and can do no wrong. His downfall would be the same downfall of Frank and Boogie of trusting him. In Ian’s case, his downfall is trusting Shane and Dan who are using him like a dirty dish rag to be disposed of after use! Dan and Shane are already discussing disposing of Ian so, he is next after they get rid of Frank.

  17. These floaters need to start winning some HOH comps, or Frank is a goner. Even if Frank wins the 2nd HOH, and puts up Dan and Shane with Britney as a POV renom, that only eliminates one. Danielle, as God awful annoying as she is, has won an endurance comp. Ian and Britney are weak physically, but they could both win in trivia. Frank can’t win HOH every week. If Ashley, Jenn and Joe don’t step up to the plate, the stupid quack pack is gonna run away with this game…how boring that will be.

    • Hopefully, they can win one HOH whatever it may be! You never know because some of it can be part luck. Frank cannot play every week but, he has to give 100% trying to win POV and HOH each time. If he can last long enough, he can evict more than one of the Quack Pack and when you are HOH, you are guaranteed to send one home. Just put two on the block and a third as replacement nominee. The targets should be Shane, Dan, Brittney. Shane and Dan if Frank could evict them will destroy Quack Pack!

    • Totally true.   But Jenn  is too easily confused by how the show works.   Joe goes where the power is…whether it be Quack Pack or Frank….he floats like a butterfly and stings like a.. gnat.   Ashley thinks her and Frank are on the same wavelength.   But it’s not her head he wants to get into.

    • Ian and Britney where in the Final three of the endurance comp. There not weak physically in that sence..yes it was early so most people i.e Dan, and Boogie though it. But Dan is a bigger backstabber then Boogie and needs to go.

      • So youre saying that Ian, Britney and Danielle are all stronger physical players than Shane and Frank because they outlasted them on the pirate ship? Get real. The Pirate ship endurance comp had NOTHING to do with being a solid physical player. They are literally the 3 weakest competitors physically. That HOH suited smaller weaker players. Easier for them to hold on and more room for their feet.

      • That endurance comp was perfectly suited for a player on the small side. Can you imagine them in something that takes some actual strength? It’ll never happen.

  18. Something will happen with that ? mark on Thursday! I think Boogie knows he can trade it in for a week pass but isn’t allowed to say!!! Just like Matt wasn’t allowed to talk about The diamond power of veto!!! I hope it’s true!! I WILL MAKE POPCORN TO WATCH SHANE, DAN,BRITNEY, DANIELLE, AND JOE’S FACES!!! LOL even Ian’s!!! 

    • week pass? i guess i missed the dimond power of veto, or forgot about it. He comes back for a week and does what? HOH? Please help…

      •  No Matt had the right to change who was on the block with the Diamond power of Veto…. He won it and was allowed to tell NO ONE!!! So if Boogie has something like that he could take himself and Jenn off the block and put Shane and Dan up!!! I would love that!!!

      • @ KNH – Danielle’s head would explode if she had to choose btwn Shane & Dan. J/K – Lol – Actually, now I think she’d choose Dan.  Haven’t heard much about her pining over Shane lately – maybe Zingbot broken the spell.

      •  if BB had any sense of doing the right thing, they would throw Frank out for cheating.  They apparently said that Frank would have won even if he didn’t cheat.  Cheating is wrong, win or lose, throw him out to prevent future players not think it is OK to cheat.

    • Production seems to be hanging on to Pandora’s Box all this time probably to increase excitement and speculation over what twist it will be. Maybe, they are waiting for the last minute to save Boogie or maybe not! They did not save Janelle last time out so, they may not save Boogie this time out as well. 

      •  True!! But Janelle didn’t have anything to trade in!!! Boogie has the $16,000. I’m thinking because Boogie has more than Jenn in prizes that it could just happen…. Just for the fact of the way Shane, Dan Danielle, and Brit have played I hope it happens. I know there are Boogie haters out there and that is fine. I for one like Boogie. The best thing about this show is you just never know!  I am hoping Boogie can pull something out of his hat to stay to make the Quackers life hell for one week!!

    • Whether you’re a F/B fan or a QP fan – that would be the ultimate.
      Ring the bell – WWF in the house – Battle of the Titans.  The Evil Professor (Ian) would feel conflicted because if it’s a Before/After game (2nd HoH) he might win HoH and then have to, literally, “put up” (F/B) to prove himself worthy of Dan’s loyalty.  And then have to man up to take the heat of the survivor – either his betrayed “daddy” or “big brother” (Frank referred to Ian once as his “little brother”).  I’ll refrain from using the term Frank used few weeks ago. hee hee
      But KNH – you’re so right – the look on their faces and the load in their pants will be phenomenal.  With the gloves already off, whoa – It’s a street fight, man!  Joe will be turning in circles, not sure where to go.  DD/BS will circle the wagons and have to come up with fresh game in the heat of the battle, knowing they could easily lose one of the menfolk in the next round.  Noone will be in denial then.  Both sides will be all in and it’ll be all on.  The BOT war!

      •  LMAO my kids have said since Boogie was nominated I have not hounded them to clean their room so they are loving this!!! Seriously if you look at the people in the house who stirs the pot more than BOOGIE?? Noone… Not one person in that house could get people going unless you head bunted them and got expelled (WILLIE)!! The one thing that people are forgetting is Boogie was the only coach not to hit the enter buzzer!!! I just want Thursday night to come and Julie say well players you know in the Big Brother house to expect the unexpected!!! The quackers jaws drop and Boogie stands up and says Jenn get up we don’t belong in these seats they have Dan and Shane’s names on them for this eviction!!! One more thing seriously if Joe is having chest pains from his high blood pressure maybe he shouldn’t be running up all those stairs so fast to be with with Shane and Dan!!

    • Did Boogie get that block in the crane machine with the ? You said Boogie can trade it in so what does he have? Was it on the live feeds? Or are you just speculating that Boogie has something of value that he can trade to save himself?

      • Kissesnhugs817…….Anything is possible on Big Brother. I know it is probably far fetched that Boogie can still escape this week but, any favorable twist can change that. They have not used Pandora’s Box all this time. What if they have a box which one of the house guests can bid on for whatever is in the box? You are right that Mike Boogie probably has the most cash in the Big Brother House and he bids on it and wins that box.And they do not show the contents to the other house guest except the winner of the bids. What if there is a Diamond Power of Veto on that box?Then, the house is turned upside down because Mike Boogie does the impossible and escapes once more!

    • but if there going to do something it needs to be fast. unless it takes place in the DR and we dont find out till Thursday. we will know something is up tomorrow night are they may wait to do i Thursday. If this does go down, it will be epic BB.

      •  Not sure if you all watched when Matt got the Diamond power of veto he wasn’t allowed to tell other house guest. He kept it for I think 3 weeks before he played it.  Talk about slapping Shane in the face that would be twice his Hoh’s were useless!!! LMAO

  19. what ian should do is form an alliance with britney, asking for a final 2 deal. then form one with ashley and brit

  20. i need for the quack pack minus ian and frank joe ash n jenn go after each other. stay in there ian

  21. For some reason the houseguests this season seem to think that if you confess to saying something or doing something you’re automatically absolved of the wrong doing. you’re not. If you suggest someone to go up on the block no matter when that is…you can’t blame them for getting worried that you’ll actually follow through with it.   

    • I’ve been saying all year… these HGs are playing like casual fans.  That’s a BAD way to play this game.

  22. I hope Boogie goes home.  Just to watch that stoned look on Ashley’s face trying to figure out what happened.  And if F/B think that Jenn going home will make the QP too shocked to play well in an HOH, what do you think will happen when Boogie goes home.  Frank and Ashley will be shocked and too riled up to play well in the HOH.  Joe isn’t going to vote Jenn out after F/B treated him so badly.

    • Isn’t that amazing?  That Boogie thinks that people will vote for him to stay even after he and Frank verbally abused them…amazing.

      • Evil Dick verbally abused people in the Big Brother House and still won Big Brother because he still played the best game of them all! Trash talking is part of Big Brother as part of WWE and even part of sports like Basketball or even Boxing. People trash talk because it is part of the show!

  23. this season is crazy!! everything went wrong when they all voted Janelle out (for no reason) giving Boogie want he wanted to help his game out. now everybody’s running around uncertain of their game and safty!! Plain Uncute Stupidity in voting Janelle out!!

  24. Are the house guest DAFT???  Does Ashley not understand that she is a weak player and Boogie wants to keep her around simply for that reason…She is soooo stupid…Boogie is recruiting all the weak players to be on his team.. If he stays it will be the Boogie & Frank show with minnions to compete against….IT WILL BE A PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A BB SEASON…There will be no reason to watch the rest of the season .Listening to Frank and Boogie on the feeds and their bragging and mouthing off is enough not to watch the show anymore…Both of them are sickening and they are soo sure that Boogie is gonna stay. I  have never said that I will not watch BB due to events or occurrances but I do believe if that vile Mike Malin stays Thursday nite I will not watch BB for the rest of the season. I wanna watch BB not the Boogie Show.  Hearing the man talk is enough to make me wanna change the channel and mute my feeds…

    • Like the Quack Pack is going to keep the floaters? They are only there because the Quack Pack can use their votes and nothing else! The newbie floaters if they were smart would band together and join Frank. Then, they would have a fighting chance at that $500,000. The object of the game is to win that $500,000 and not hand them over to the Quack Pack members to float all the way to that $500,000! When Boogie goes, breaking the Quack Pack makes it a free for all because everyone now has a chance at that $500,000! Also, it would encourage Dan and Shane to play the game for themselves as their heads will be on the chopping block and they cannot afford to float on the Quack Pack alliance if the other floaters go after them as well!

      • Richie – In theory, sounds like alot of fun to watch.  The HaveNot citizens with their pitchforks et al.  The glitch would come if there wasn’t true solidarity among the rebels and/or shiny objects.  I can see Brit consorting with Ash/Jenn during “girl time” to preach Janelle’s words: No female can win against a male in F2. And striking phony F2/F3 deals with them – like a “NOW” alliance or something, then crawfish on them.  And I see Dan/Frank stoking Joe’s machismo with a phony F2/F3 deal – so Judases all around.  Frank would have to keep them all on short leashes for the long haul.  Not saying it can’t happen but if the rebels aren’t united, it’s all in vain.  They have to recognize the truths – Brit is taking Dani to F2 – not you, Ash/Jenn.  Shane is taking his bf, Dan to F2 – not you, Joe.  Etc.  I think Frank can rally the troops but they have finish the mission/see it through.  Dan/Brit/Dani/Shane would have win their own comps then, having lost the “house” votes to use as they wish. Would be cool to watch – true dat – “if only”.

      • There is a right way and a wrong way to get people on ur side and Boogie’s way is disgusting…

      • flyonthewall…….Are  you kidding me? Was Shane strucking alliances with Frank and betraying him repeatedly moral? There is no morality on the Big Brother House! If there were, all the house guests would have died from their lies and backstabbing and that includes your favorite, of course! Lies, backstabbing, backdooring is part of it and the rules are…….there are no rules!

    •  Planing to say to Dan that he’s going to Michigan an f***k his wife just so Dan can lose his cool is not playing the game. That’s just being an A-hole.

  25. Has anyone else noticed that Ian seems to be displaying some austistic tendencies on that swing? Somebody please get out the WD 40 for that squeak!

    • That is old news..Ian does evidently have medical issues but we are unsure of what they might be…Ian does not handle stressfull situations well at all…His problems become more noticeable when things in the house are upsetting  or turmoil occurs between the other HG’s….

  26. And I have to give Ian credit for standing up to Frank and Boogie yesterday…They were telling him not to be hanging out with Dan Shane Britney and Daniell….Ian let them know that he was not gonna shun anybody and that he would associate with whomever he chose.  That is at least 10 points for Ian… 

  27. Janelle was a vote for the Newbies, she should not have been voted out! Voting her out was Boogies game. After Janelle’s eviction Boogie’s ego went off the charts to the point he’s been throwing all the competitions because he recognizes that everyone else will play his game for him. Janelle’s only game plan was to break up Boogie and Frank because she had sense enough to know that they must have made an “Final Two Pack” just off their obvious behavior towards each other…they were too close too soon! The Newbies failed to realize that HOH do not decide the eviction… the votes do!

    • Janelle got voted out because she betrayed her alliances and lied too many times too early in the game! She also rejected the 4 coach alliance to save Joe! Dumb move that was! Janelle would still be in the game if she let Joe got evicted! As for the newbies, Janelle called them her puppets and mocked them! Janelle was playing for herself and not the newbies. She just is not that good as far as strategy goes and Dr. Will said so himself!

  28. I thought for sure that Boogie was 100% gone, but the way Jenn has been acting up, he might just be saved. Frank and Boogie have done a great job of telling Joe and Ian that they aren’t squat in the other alliance. Even though it’s a game ploy it’s the truth. What up with Dannielle and Zoolander? First he says he’s not into her and now they cuddle? This guy is is more wishy washy than Charlie Brown.

    • Someone is going to have to send Jenn a dictionary that explains what a “pawn” is.   The girl should of stuck to her band because she’s not cut out for this show.   And Ian should of been a contestant on Jeoporady.   I’ll take “Odd Man Out” for $500 Alex.

  29. I love Jenn now for wanting to make Danielle cry more. She’s [Danielle] a psychotic bitch. I’m having trouble not falling to the floor in hysterical laughter over the fact that she called herself “a catch.” LOL!

    Cant wait for her to get out of the house (hopefully sooner than later) and find out what America thinks of her. Hope it makes her cry some more.

  30. In what universe is Shane’s actions as HOH, Dan’s fault???  What a clueless bunch of whacked out house guests these guys are turning out to be?  Oh and I love  the name “Froogie”!!!  ROFL!!  I’m trying very hard to not like Britney this season, but these losers are making that very difficult.  She’s playing a great social game and is my bet atm for the million.

    • They think Dan went and ratted them out, and said to nominate them, when it was really Ian.

      Remember, Boogs still thought the Silent 6 was going strong, and had no worries about going on the block this week. 

    • Dan only looks squeaky clean because he is a great manipulator just like Boogie. He plays the nice guy role so that, you never suspect he is about to sink that knife behing your back! That is how good he is! Does he have a part of Shane’s decision, obviously, Shane does not make his own decisions but, consults Brittney and Dan just nudges him a bit to do what would help Dan in his game. Dan is the number one suspect because he is the smartest tool in the shed! And who would you suspect of engineering  a betrayal, someone who is dumb or someone who is smart enough to do it? 

      • You are right on in your assessment of Dan.  Also, what the other HG do not know is the Dan approached Boogie for an alliance in the beginning and Boogie did not want Frank to be part of it.  Dan was very jealous of Frank and voiced how he wanted to work with just Boogie.  I am sure Boogie naturrally thought Dan was behind this betrayal.  Dan has a part in everything that went on with the Silent Six Alliane.  Dan has other alliances going on as well.  Dan and Dani, Dan and the 4 now 3 coaches and possibly others that I missed. 

  31. In the beginning of the show, Frank was a well mannered guy. But on the live feeds, his mouth was as disgusting as Boogie. This is where Booger is good at, CORRUPTING MINDS.

    • You think Dan is going to be helpful for Ian? Lol. Dan is just as bad as Boogie as far as manipulating situations. Dan knows he can’t beat Ian in the final 2. He’ll win if he takes Danielle to the end. She’s a sheep, and they don’t respect her. He may hang on to Ian until the final 3, but that’s it. Ian is completely disposable to Dan.

  32. What if production got Jenn in the DR and told her “Look you’ll never win this thing – we’ll give you $50,000 to get yourself voted out this week.”
    Why else would she be acting this stupid when she has to know she is a pawn? She can’t possibly be this stupid – can she?

    • Devil’s Advocate here:  If Boogie “has” to stay – how would you rather it go down?  A. Jenn self-evicts & he stays by default,  B. Jenn gets voted out & it appears that F/B “pulled it off again” like rock stars.  The second option would cause even more boorish behavior by Boogie, as he would be quite proud to put that in their face.  Maybe his overconfidence – which is what put him in that nom chair in the first place – will reinflate.  If he stays by Jenn self-evicting, it will be luck/not skill.  That might make him more cautious going forward.

      • I want to see Jenn voted out (sorry, but she’s up against my favorite player) and Boogie or Frank wins HOH and then takes out either Dan or Shane. How hysterical will Boogie and Frank’s DR session be? Not to mention how great their taped farewell message will be.

    • This is like the sixth time this has been posted on here in the last 12 hours.

    • I really think she has no clue that she’s a pawn…either that or she knows that she’s a pawn against Boogie, and that sometimes pawns get the boot (remember dude from last year, whose name is escaping me, that volunteered as a pawn and was.evicted). Maybe she’s not as bad of a player as we all think. She has managed to stay neutral and invisible this long. Wouldn’t it be epic if she ends up winning? Lol!!! Best Big Brother upset ever!!!

  33. Which is worse….Danielles squeeky voice repeating things like 3 times to make sure everyone hears what she says or Ian swinging at 60 mph on that squeeky hammock……..

    Oh yes, has anyone heard NOONE is talking to Danielle? omg, give me a break….. May have to cancel BBAD seems like ssdd!

  34. I just don’t get why people can not love Frank. I see that people don’t like a winner. Plus, if you say anything about anyone else in the Quack Pack or on here, you are gone. It’s horrible. What happened to free speech? I love Frank. And Boogie. Keep up the wrestling references.

  35. Everybody boogie is the only smart player in the game he doesnt deserve to go home he plays with lots of strategy he is the best player to play this game

    • That’s a joke, the best player wouldn’t be bullying and behaving like a spoiled three yr old. Boogie started off being smart then his ego got in the way. Now he just wants to cause trouble and harm. That isn’t great game play to me.

      • That’s very true. Boogie thought that no one could touch him . I loved the look on his face when Shane put him on the block….Ha, Ha.Bye,Bye Boogie Thursday night..hopfully your buddie will be right behind you, and out the door.

  36. jenn is the queen of all floaters. i cant believe she has no idea whats going on. does she not understand that she isnt just gonna win without being on the block.

  37. ok bb fans…lets all think how many times Frank has been saved once again…this is all crooked. How about the veto comp and Frank admitted to ugly boogie that he held onto the players choice chip and if Joe saw it..don’t tell me production didn’t hear him telling boogie!!!!!!! If boogie stays…thats it for much as I love this game. I will stop watching it. Jenn is acting like a fool..I don’t know why she is so upset..she has done nothing even Ashley is so sickning…oh well now I feel better..

  38. I think I’m going to come back here Thursday night and see who get’s evicted to save myself from crapping out my own stomach! Sorry to be so vivid but it’s too much for me!

  39. ahhhh!! the quack pack is mad at the fact that ian is sitting pretty! hopefully ian dosnt win the next hoh comp, because then he will have to make a choice….. wait. wen i think about it, him winning might be a good thing, because he could then form some new and better alliances. right now ian is at the bottom of his alliance, so he needs to get with other people. down with the quack pack and up with Ian’s pack. 

    • He should have made his alliances with others and not only the Quack Pack. Now, that he has betrayed Frank and Boogie, his usefulness to the Quack Pack is about over! My money is on Shane and Dan stabbing Ian on the back first!

    • Ian has already stabbed Frank in the back. Will do so again. None of the Quack Pack should be trusted! Frank should just go out and win that 2nd HOH or give it to Ashley if they are the last two. Then, they can go after the Quack Pack hopefully, for two straight weeks and target Dan, Shane and Brittney for starters. Get two of them out and you decimated the Quack Pack!

      • I don’t think Ian is implicitly trusting of the Quack Pack…he just needs the Quack Pack for the votes to get Boogie and Frank out so he can start to play his game more efficiently and effectively.  I would be sooo proud if he were to win HOH and see how he can play with that kind of power in his hands.  He’s just been biding his time so far!  He’s a little stinker I tell ya!  I love it…where else could he get away with doing that but on BB?!!!

    • Danielle is the more delusional, more psychotic,  more socially unaware sister that Dan never had. 

  40.  Why hate on Frank he saved himself five times.Have some respect. Team Frank I don’t care what people said about him it’s just a GAME.

  41. I think britt would be safer too take ashley to the end… Danielle hs won more comps then britt so britt could lose the game… take ashley britt..

  42. For those interested in showmances…go to FlashBack 8/21/12 2:44am cam 3

    to see what happened on the HOH bed in the dark with shane&dani….very good….☺…..

  43. I heard Boogie say, earlier in the game the coaches got 20k for just being on the show regardless if they won or not.  One would think this still applies even though they “pushed the button”.  If that is the case why is Boogie so bothered by winning 16k and if you include the what I would call an “appearance fee” he’s walking away with 36k.  Not bad for 30+ days.  

    • They get paid per weekly episode I am sure. An actress on Dancing With the Stars said she got paid, I don’t even remember but, it was I believe in the tens of thousands per week she was still in the show. They got paid extra on top of that for lasting so many weeks. Even the floaters on Big Brother like Joe, Ashley and Joe made good money I am sure for very little work.Of course, winning $500,000 or even $50,000 on top of what he already had would have even been better! In that context that he left so
      much more on the table is probably why he regrets leaving the show. All the other house guests would feel the same way I am sure! $500,000 is nothing to sneeze at even at our inflated dollars.

  44. I am sitting here listening to Boogie and Frank complaining about being “scumbagged and yo-yo’d” yet it was ok for everyone to do it to Janelle.  Most everyone told her that she’d have their vote and didn’t.  How is this any different???   Kinda hypocrytical don’t you think?

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