Big Brother 14 Episode 8: Week 3 Nomination Show Tonight

Big Brother 14 with Julie Chen

Tonight on Big Brother 14 (8PM ET/PT) we should see the latest Coaches’ competition and nominations (nomination spoilers). Unlike last week’s situation, I’m expecting we’ll actually get all the way through the nomination ceremony this time around.

A lot of the HGs were caught off-guard by Shane’s nominations, so anyone not following along online will probably be shocked as well. I’m hoping we’ll see any last minute conversations between Shane, the current HoH, and the rest of the house as they were scrambling to have the last word before the ceremony.

Most of what we’ll see on Big Brother 14 tonight happened days ago in the house and even more has happened since with the Veto competition results were revealed. Only the Live Feeds will let you see inside and keep you actively up to date on the game so before to check those out with the Free 3-Day Trial.

You can also keep up with us here on the site through updates on Facebook, Twitter, our free mobile apps, and even our daily email alerts.

While we wait for tonight’s show you can check in on the HGs live and uncensored on the Live Feed in-house cams as they lie, betray, and conspire their way to the top. Fun!



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  1. I miss Matt’s (From BB11) posts and commentaries. They made CBS’ ridiculous editing bearable.

  2. I love shanes noms. I am one of few out there that love Ian and jenn. I for one dont believe you have to win every comp to win overall. I have watched bb every season and truly believe it should be more about social gameplay. Danielle is doing well also. Shane nor frank will win. However I do see shane winning Americas favorite.when the coaches come in(we all know they will) I see it being very important to get Dan out quickly.i do wish I could play thus game.

    • if you want half a million dollars you have to bust your azz and get it..sure ofcourse you have to have a good social game. But having a good social game and winning comes hand to walk out the BB house with half a million dollars, you better have some skin in the game and blood on your hands..sure you should not win comps IF you dont have to at that time, but thats different from trying your best to win and you still cant. you cant just lay on your azz all day and eat and play and laugh, then expect to walk out the house with a check. fk that prove you can win and that you earned that money..danielle is doing a Jordan 2.0, i dont care  how cute you are or how nice you are..scrape your knees , break a nail,,be on slop,,back stab,,prove you earn it. that you want it. Seems like big brother players are getting softer every year after jeff and jordan.

      • i wanted to see what the majority on this site feels…. reguardless… and to shine a light on if bb is screwing with the results…. it would just be an interesting tid-bit i guess…

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