Saturdays might be nice and relaxing in your home, but in the Big Brother house they’re anything but that. While the biggest news came with the Power of Veto competition results there was also a revelation that one of the Veterans was turning on their own. Read on to find out what that means for the strong alliance in the house.
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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights – July 23, 2011:
9:40 AM BBT – Jeff and Jordan join Brenchel in the HoH room. Something has tipped them off to Daniele’s secretive plans to drive a wedge between them. Maybe it was when Daniele said they should backdoor Jeff… The Vets (minus Daniele) plan to act blind to her plotting and let her think they’re still going to turn on each other.
10:30 AM BBT – Dominic visits Rachel in the HoH room. Uh oh, she’s talking game without Brendon! Dominic is looking for reassurance that he’s not the target. Rachel toys with the idea that she’ll take them off and put up Lawon. Brendon arrives and continues the charade that they’re going to be working with Dominic. They’re not.
11:15 AM BBT – When it’s just Brendon and Rachel in the HoH room, Brendon confirms that he does trust Jeff and Jordan, but not Daniele.
11:40 AM BBT – Daniele pays a visit to Brenchel. She gets upset that they’ve told him to throw the Veto competition. When Brendon starts questioning her on her persistent support of Dominic she suddenly backs off. Busted.
2:20 PM BBT – Live Feeds are back from Trivia and we have a new winner: Brendon. It was the exact same competition they used last year with spelling. Brendon reused the exact same word as last time too: understanding. Newbs didn’t stay a chance. Jeff came in second and spelled a real word this time. He’s pleased with a silver medal on that one.
3:10 PM BBT – Lawon promises Adam he has his vote/support this week.
7:30 PM BBT – Shelly has a big talk with Brenchel and Jordan about what the Newbs are plotting. She reveals Dominic’s previous plan to win the Veto and convince Brenchel to backdoor Jeff/Jordan. Shelly reiterates her promise to never nominate them. She’s going to run out of nomination options if she keeps that up.
8:00 PM BBT – Brendon, Rachel, and Jordan agree that Dominic is the biggest threat. They can isolate Daniele again if they eliminate him this week, forcing her to seek refuge with another weaker player.
10:00 PM BBT – Kalia relays to Daniele that Jeff is suspicious of her. Uh oh. Did Jeff let the cat out of the bag that the Vets are on to Daniele’s subterfuge? Daniele presses Kalia for support to backdoor Jeff.
Brendon winning the Power of Veto keeps all the control right there with Brenchel this week. If they decide to change their nominations then they can make it happen, but at this point only Lawon/Kalia and Jeff/Jordan are available replacements. Rachel has already described a Lawon/Kalia eviction as a waste of time and Brenchel seems content with their Jeff/Jordan alliance.
If the voting was held right now then I’d expect Dominic to be evicted. A lot can change in a just a short time in Big Brother, so you never know.
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I think that’s great that the fab four are finding out about Dani.What was she thinking going aganst the vets..That they would never find out? Also anyone notice when Kalia talks(all the time) her face looks like she is always smelling something bad. She is another one that’s always saying the word ” LIKE “and “you know what I mean?”
That’s funny she does say that. I just hope brenchel doesn’t change their minds about jj and back door them. Anything can happen. Dani deserves this she’s playing too hard this early.
I agree. Backdooring JJ would be the wrong move at this point. I think Kalia looks like she’s constipated every time she talks lol. Kalia along with the other newbies are so disappointing this season. And Dani going against the Vets was for sure the wrong thing to be doing at this point in the game. She should have been less obvious about it.
That”s a good one or like she has to fart really bad!
Yes, I’ve noticed that she always has a grumpy frown on her face. I refer to Kalia as the Grinch now.
She also talks so fast you can’t understand her.
Dani tried too hard on Dom’s behalf…and now she has targeted herself. As soon as possible she will be put up…then things will get interesting.
you’re right about that, this golden key thing should end or they shouldnt have it anyway. its unfair danielle got just coz dick has to leave.
It was only a matter of time before the Vets caught on to Dani. I was rooting for her too. I thought she had a pretty decent strategy, by playing up her social game since she can’t compete. But she got too obvious when she was constantly rooting for Dom. It looks like as long as the power couples keep winning HOH and competitions, Dani could be going after Dom.
Dani is kinda hoeish for using guys as pawns… Like her own game blows too much to build a legit social game. I’m still sad Cassi is gone. I don’t even want to watch anymore. Lawon and Kalia are horribly uninteresting. I’m bored just thinking about them.
Kalia gets on my last nerve. If I have to hear her whine about hair one more time on after hours I will puke. How do you come into a house with lots of other people and cry because there is hair everywhere. She is so fake. I would rather here Rachel laugh all day than here her open her mouth!
I agree about the hair and she also is lazy. She eats what everyone else cooks and I’ve never seen her wash a dish. And I wonder how Jordan would feel about her if she knew Kalia was talking to Dani about getting Jeff out???
Iknow the HAIR thing.. She gets on my nerves also. She does nothing I havent seen her clean for someone who is so anel about clenliness.
Now there talking ,to let Dom go just because Dani ,if he goes his the only one left that’s not hard on the eyes well i wont watch no more to look at Kaila and Shell i don’t think i could take that mother lying goose and ear cleaning miss porky i will go see something else better for my health.
It is amazing how many people say they are not going to watch the show anymore…BB fans are passionate and we keep watching when all is said and done. It’s a game …. watch or don’t…but you know you will.
I have said a few times that I will stop watching. But I won’t I count down the months until summer every year!
Have fun
But please pray Kaila goes.
that I agree with….they are there to play a game…so play don’t just sit around too afraid ….that really bothered me about last season’s hg…..P L A Y, participate or just stay home and watch like the rest of us.
As much as Rachel drives me insane with her jealousy – she is a force to be faced. She is extremely competitive.
I think it would be a very good strategic move to oust Dom. Dani deserves whatever she gets because from the other show on she has ridden on the coattails of someone else – either her father or in this case Dominic. She needs to show she has game – or she belongs out the damn door. I will be so happy once this golden key is gone.
I havent even finished BBAD and I’m hoping she goes(Kalia) more than I ever did now. Also I’m with all of you about the ” i’m not gonna watch anymore crap” Why even come on here to tell us all that?
I agree with you again. I’m going to start calling you “Best Friend” LOL
I love big brother… I WILL KEEP WATCHING
hey big brother same game same word as last year when brendan won wow,,,,,,,,is this game being ,,,,,controlled
Matt, so grateful for all your live feed updates! BBAD doesn’t begin to cut it with all this scheming going on. Glad the vets are finally wise to Dani & that Brenchel are still sticking to final four deal with JJ…really want to see the vets battling it out at the end. Can’t wait to see most of these newbies gone.
Big brothers a joke
So, why watch?
Good question
Ok say good buy to Dom Rachel has spoken……
I wish bb would bring all the hg back after a month for a reunion. That way everyone has a chance to watch the shows & able to confront each other. Now that would be a show worth watching. As far as those who say they won’t watch if things don’t go their way, the producers aren’t gonna change things to help ur ppl out. Get real with urself, admit that u will watch it more hoping for revenge.
Personally I can’t wait until this golden key part is over with! My question is anyone think a “newbie” will win a HOH competition? I just want to shake it up a bit.
Cara I agree…the GK twist hasn’t been all that…I think any new HG could win if they aren’t afraid of stepping on the toes of the vet players and give it their all…none of this nonsense of throwing comps….that just pisses the audience off…my humble opinion of course…but really, just play te freaking game…TRY to win, get some control instead of waiting around to be picked off.
Annie, I think they put the GK twist in so that the newbs could not get rid of two vet couples in the first four weeks. The newbs had the numbers if they could have won HOH’s.
As it turned out the vets didn’t need the help so the GK looks stupid.
It’s fixed (or favoured for those who don’t want a reality check) for Brenchel and JJ. Having the exact same game in the veto comp as last year was way overboard of unfairness. CBS should wise up and have another comp asap.
They ALWAYS recycle games in every season. They’ve had the “spell the biggest word” comp in a few seasons.
Yes but to play the exact game in which the only players to play one season ago was Brenchel was unfair. Yes I know we all know the games if you watch BB, but to have actually played it your memory is faster under pressure than the newbies. Alot of other games CBS could have chosen if they didn’t want to guarentee Brenchel a win.
I know Dani has been talking alot of crap lately and pretty much made herself a target, but we all know how fast this game can change. First of all, they can’t even nominate her because of the key. So at this point she is safe. And next week when she can compete, Rachel won’t be able to. So how do we know that she won’t end up being the one in the HOH room with all the power. Not that I am on her side or anything, but at this point I am on anyone’s side that isn’t Brendon and Rachel.
could happen because CBS likes Dani for ratings. Not to mention Dani is a strong player if her back is up against the wall.
Perfectly said Jen. Dani is known for her awesome competition skills and she’ll most definitely do whatever it takes to win in those. It won’t be easy to get her out of there and I wouldn’t be surprised if once she start to compete and people in the house remember just how powerful she is that they will want to best in an alliance with her again. She played too hard too fast but she can bounce back. She’s a strong player. Everyone is underestimating her.
I love watching Big Brother, because it is a microsociety with a mix of personalities and a variation of “survival of the fittest”. Now, before someone goes off on me, I know it isn’t like real life on the whole; however, we all live in little microsocieties (school, work, friendship circles, families) with personality mixes, battles for power, alliances, enemies, etc. So, as a fan of Big Brother, I get to be that proverbial fly on the wall, and I often can compare HGs and situations to people I know and situations I’ve participated in.
Although the HGs are selectively cast, we still end up with unexpected personality characteristics, both good and bad, from unexpected people. The best part for me is that it generally canNOT be changed, just because a lot of fans don’t like a particular individual. Sometimes, I think there are exceptions – such as when Chima was so very controversial and loads of fans bombarded and lobbied Allison and CBS for her removal (I was one of them). But in general, we cannot control who stays and goes, just as we cannot always control who we are around in our everyday lives.
So, for those who always threaten to stop watching, go for it. I imagine I’ll see you back on the forums, just like I still see Sean Penn and Gina Davis and Alec Baldwin still living in the USA. (Remember when they said if GW Bush won a 2nd term they were going to leave the country? Yet, they are still here?) You threatening to stop watching isn’t going to cancel the show, so go ahead and grab the remote.
BUT, I challenge you to watch the show from a different perspective. Not every HG is boring, not every HG is a liar, and not every week or day in the BB House is routine. So, if you are that easily put off by small things, what does that say about you?
Now, as for my quick remarks on the HGs…
Kalia talks out of both sides of her mouth to everyone in the house. I become confused day by day, often minute by minute, as to who she is allied with and who she is not.
Rachel craves attention and craves being accepted and wanted by others. Her little pouting because she wasn’t chosen by Jordan for the Luxury prize and her overcompetitiveness just show me she has deeper issues that need counseling – and yes, I believe it could have come from being bullied by other girls in junior high and high school.
Brendon? Well, he has shown his true self, which is controlling and manipulative with those he is closest to, and in this case it is Rachel. Too bad she falsely blamed Cassi for “using every one of my weaknesses against me” (a lie) when she should realize that it is actually her fiance doing that to her.
With Jeff and Jordan, I think what you see is generally what you get with them. Jeff does Jeff 95% of the time; he is just a strong-minded individual. Jordan is a sweetheart who wants to like and trust and get along with everyone, but she isn’t stupid. I really loved seeing the blunter, more honest side of her when she was talking to Rachel about the Cassi situation. Jeff and Jordan are the least likely duo to get rattled in the game, and that poses a threat to the others.
Finally, I like Adam and Shelly, although I think Shelly is emotionally the stronger player. Who cares if she has lied to some houseguests; she is playing a game, and honesty is subjective in this game. Adam is the most genuine of the players in my opinion. Lawon seems afraid to act or speak up with any game play. Porche is a user, and that says it all. Same for Danielle, but she is smarter than Porche. Dom doesn’t have enough life experience to know how to control his game play, but he has a lot of potential to disrupt things in the house, him and his giant ego.
I actually hope Lawon goes this week, because he seems too timid for BB. Then, maybe Porche can cause some drama with Rachel and Dani/Dom. AND I hope we get a returning houseguest mid-season twist again this year (we have the last few years), and I hope it is Cassi. BUT, I hope if it is her, she comes back ready to play hard.
Okay, I’m off my soapbox now. Next…!
Please no more books
Too long to read.
that was long but i agree in everything u said.
So much for respectful interaction with other people who post. But your rude comments don’t dissuade me, because everyone is entitled to post as they wish and post their opinions, including “books” and your rude comments. As for me, I will follow the rules and be respectful to others on here. You three have a great day!
It’s all in good fun boo. Please don’t take my LOL as being disrepectful. I have much love for everyone on this site. :)
Me too. I don’t take anything on here so serious
C’mon Rachel everyone is just having fun. Don’t take everything said so seriously.
LOL, Karen! That was FUNNY!
@lori64: you LIKE shelly? shelly the sycophantic, treasonous, hypocritical? She is so far up the veterans butts, she is the only one who will know if there are any polyps up there for them to worry about. She threw her alliances under the buss. She continues to throw everyone in the house under the buss, aggressively and prolifically. BUT THEN, she cries about feeling guilty and how she is sad for her daughter because “we do not lie in my house.” AND, she calls other people out for being “snakes in the grass.” please. just pu-leaze. she is more horrible as a person than ED, Dr. Will, Brenchel, Russel from survivor and every other reality show villan in history. the rest of the “villans” know they are villans, except it, own it, and move on with it. She pretends to be something she is not- and she actually believes she is a good person. gross.
this “game” is no different than a job for money. what do you think Shelly would do if you were up for a job against her? call herself wise, and special and honest and then put a hit on your family.
treasonous, hypocritical sycophant.
I agree 100% ,and does she really have a daughter,and that man she loves so much why let them fence for themselves, i wont let a family alone just to clean,and kiss ass for people i dont know.and omg brandon is sick or a good actor.
l think reality shows have backed themselves inio a corner they have to stack the deck for who they want to win to keep everyone watching. rachel is seriously disturbed all she needs is brendon fawning over her and no pretty ladies in site oh yes and her wine but i think brendon has anger control issues
To everyone who claims Dani is bad at the game… First of all, she has a golden key, so she can’t even play in competitions. Secondly, she has the record, tied with Janelle, for most vetoes won in a season. She just hasn’t been able to play yet.
Anybody know when the POV ceremony will be?
Monday afternoon around 3-5PM ET (12-3PM). That’s the typical time. We’ll have details as soon as the ceremony is over.
Comment deleted. Stay on topic rather than attacking readers. – Admin
Buh bye teach!!!
lets not start this argument again….I am a teacher but unless you are one of my students I would never correct you…BB brings all walks of life together for common entertainment…so keep the posts to the show and not to the individuals posting their thoughts. Cheers!
Thank you Annie well said.
I agree that Dani has played this game too fast and might have gotten herself into a bit of trouble right now. But is everyone forgetting that she won 5 vetos and 2 HOH comps in her season 8? Everyone is so quick to say she was riding on Evel’s coat tail but it was her that was doing all the winning that season. She saved herself numerous times and people are totally underestimating her. She’ll bounce back from this… getting her out is going to be harder than they think.
Although I love JJ and like Dani, I still don’t like Racheal and Brendon.
I did like the concept this season but now not so much. This season is not competitive because the newbies are getting destroyed. BB are giving the veterans the upper hand. They are giving the vets the same competitions that they had and won off of. For example, the POV that Brendon won on and the HOH that Jordon won on. They both on them on there season. It look like Brendon or Rachel will win this. If and I Dom get evicted I don’t see a newbie winning or even competiton to the two of them
Instead of constantly criticizing Rachel, an making comments about her mental health, maybe people should try understanding her and why she is the way she is. The problem is that people cant see mental illness so therefore they dont understand it and think it is some sort of joke. I asure you that bipolar disorder is no joking matter, it is a very disruptive disorder that effects everyone around them. The sad part about Brenden and Rachel is that she doesnt understand what is going on with her, and Brenden exploits Rachel and he knows what buttons to push to cause her to become manic, that is his way of controlling Rachel. If someone in her life would pull her aside and get her the treatment she needs then she would see things more clearly and open her eyes to the world around her.